A Bucket List, Of Sorts, for May

Happy Wednesday!  I did not get my usual Monday morning greeting posted so let me say that I hope everyone is enjoying a good week already!  It has been lovely here…and, personally, the week (that got off to a rough start) is improving!  May, in general, had a rough start for me; however, we are only ten days in and there is plenty of time to make the best of this month!  Typically, May is one of my favorite months (along with September) so I am ready to jump in with both feet.

I have read that May includes plenty of days for fun:  Frog Jumping Day (the 13th), Dance Like a Chicken day (the day following) and there is even Talk Like Yoda Day (on the 20th).  Truly, who knew?  And….who comes up with this stuff??  I think I will stick to Memorial Day for any future plans.  Marsha asked us to name ten things we hope to do this month.  Well, other than dancing like a farmyard bird, let’s see.  I hope to and/or plan to….

1 –  attend Cinderella, the ballet, with my brother.  We enjoy “experiences” together in order to celebrate birthdays.  And as Christmas gifts to each other as well.  He gifted me tickets to this ballet last month.  We are going to one of my favorite venues which only just recently reopened completely to the general public…and so excited to be able to attend.

2 – teach the Junior Church kiddos a new song (to a familiar tune) for our annual missions conference later this month.  We sang last weekend for Mother’s Day and, well, it was not our finest hour.  Hoping to know this one just a bit better.  The kiddos are adorable – mistakes and all – but I am much happier when we are bit more prepared.

3 – enjoy said upcoming missions conference.  They are always a highlight of the year!  I really have a heart for missions and – who knows! – perhaps the opportunity will, one day, present itself once more for me to take another trip.  That would be a gift!

4 – to have lost enough weight that it is, at least, a little obvious.  Somewhat of a selfish goal…but when you work hard at losing weight, it is nice when it is finally noticeable.

5 – create my first “project” (not sure what it would be called) on Canva.  I am taking another class tomorrow…and might even end with a completed project.

6 – resume my clarinet lessons.  Things did not progress well last month….and I discovered the clarinet is broken.  Well, at least it wasn’t just me!!  Rather than invest in fixing it (it was a loaner to me), I am going to rent a clarinet but just have not been to the music center since I returned from Texas.  But, soon!

7 – start a new Bible study.  It has been a while since I have dug in with a study…and I am missing it.

8 – enjoy a farmer’s market.  I always have plans to attend one each week but, honestly, I forget about it.  Or the weather is less than.  I really just enjoy the wandering and the browsing at these weekly markets.  We went to a great one in Texas – I loved it! – and now I am keen to search out some new to me ones in my area.   I know there are some large ones downtown but I want to find some here in my own neighborhood (or close to it).

9 – get a haircut.  Not that exciting of a goal but after four (really) bad hair days while in Texas, I appreciate even more a good cut.  I cut it myself the minute I got home and it is better – but I’m looking forward to a “real” haircut!

10 – embrace this new season/decade of my life.  Ok, this one is a stretch…and I’m still adjusting to this digit in my age, but sour grapes (or even denial) is not changing a thing.  The only thing that needs to change is my attitude.  Just sayin.

Do you have any plans for May?  Something “every day” you hope to accomplish?  I’d love to hear about it.  As always, thanks for stopping by!

4 thoughts on “A Bucket List, Of Sorts, for May

  1. I always love posts like this. It’s a good list of things to do that are both productive, healthy and practical. I’m a practical type gal, so I can get behind those types of things easily. 😉 I love that you and your brother love to enjoy experiences together. I love that! I am sure Cinderella will be wonderful and I hope the evening exceeds your expectations! That was my favorite movie growing up, until Beauty and the Beast came out, then that took over the number one spot in my heart.

    I am finishing our Bible study in May, so after that I’ll be looking for one I can do on my own for the summer. I like to always have one going! I also have grand plans to prepare to paint. I really want to paint in some areas downstairs…one area is a hallway that needs to be finished, and also in our dining room, kitchen and half bath. I say this all the time, but I really want to do this! Fingers crossed.

    Hoping your week is good, my friend. Much love.

    1. I would love to get some painting done…but I’m no painter:) We hire for the big jobs…but I did just buy some spray paint for a project:) And, yes, Beauty and the Beast is the best!!

  2. Oh I just love live performances; but the ballet is one I’ve never been to. My husband and boys are pretty willing to go see some shows with me but not the ballet.

    1. Oh, I’m with you – live performances are the best!! My brother is the one who really enjoys the ballet. I’m learning to really enjoy it. He also enjoys the opera. That one is still out there for me:)

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