With another month just about over, I like to look back at the last few weeks and take note of the exciting events, lessons learned and anything else that might need remembering. As I grabbed my pretty, new 2018 planner, I realized a couple things. But first….
A confession: last year, my “planner” was a simple wallet-style calendar. The one in a plastic cover from Hallmark. Or the drug store. Cute design but super simple. This year, I went for the big, multi-page and multi-sectioned one that looks like a mini three-ring binder. There is still one more day in January, so technically I have not even used it an entire month…but I already miss my simple, yet oh so easy to use day planner.
In order to look back over the month, I’ve had to flip back through all the pages. Not my preferred style. My new planner does have a whole month at a glance page, which I could use, but then what is the point of all these extra pages? I am sure many (many!) ladies love their jumbo planners and that many are much more organized and even productive because they use them. Truth be told, that is exactly why I have one. I thought all the smart people – and surely all the productive ones – used these planners. YouTube and the internet convinced me. I seem to fall into the murky trap of internet comparison way too easily these days. I should have learned by now. But the blog posts, videos, and Instagram photos are so convincing!
Don’t get more wrong. I enjoy the posts, the pictures and all the ideas. But they simply need to be food for thought. Note to self: That amazing color of green on someone else’ wall simply will not transform my dining room. Ever. I will never look “cute” in a big blanket scarf regardless of how many girls make it look super easy – and adorable. I do not need to declutter every inch of my home, pare my wardrobe down to three items or create my home to reflect any other current trend no matter how popular it might be on the internet. I can use these ideas to spark my own creativity or even to improve routines, etc. but they don’t dictate my choices and decisions. Or, at least, they shouldn’t. Truly – just a note to myself.
A Realization: as I looked back over the events of January, I have not one, not two but three marked through with “CANCELLED” on them. And all three were essentially due to lack of interest. Two were volunteer opportunities (“field trips”) and one was a ladies event. Apparently, I am not the only one finding winter challenging and a reason to stay home. My home is cozy. The fireplace crackles making me warm and snuggly. It is also filled with plenty of my favorite things…and enough to keep me busy for weeks. I could stay inside until April….or, at least, until the wind stops howling and any standing water unfreezes! This yearning to hibernate is something I definitely have to fight and I’m beginning to think, I’m not alone. There were so many interesting things on the calendar for January – I was actually looking forward to bundling up and heading out:) But, they were cancelled. Hopefully, we will try again in the weeks ahead.
There were a few things of note this month: After months (and months!) of procrastination, angst and other troubling factors, I finally scheduled and completed some oral surgery I needed. I only include this in a post because God used a good friend to encourage me to move forward. She listened to my concerns (and my whining) but she didn’t settle there. She pointed out my excuses, helped me plan a resolution and then, gently, held me accountable. That is a picture of a true friend. I thank God for the many ways He has used her in my life. By the way, next week she is teaching this “old dog a new trick” and that should be interesting!!
A new Bible study began at our church. For many reasons, this is an answer to prayer. I am looking forward to seeing how God will bless through this. We will be using the book, Adorned, by Nancy Demoss Wolgemuth. Have any of you read it?
As gray and wintery as this month has been, God has been working in extra special and personal ways for me. He is leading, directing and opening doors. I know there will be much to share about in the months ahead but I, as I remember January, I want to praise Him for all He has done – and is doing!! Even January is blessed – which is a treat for my summer-craving soul!!
Jennifer, it's so true, isn't it? We can be so easily influenced by what we see others doing, or excited about, or espousing. I like your take on it all though. The ideas others are excited about can influence our creativity, but shouldn't dictate it. You know yourself, and that's always a good thing.
Thanks for the smile and the reminders in your post.
Glad you stopped by, Jeanne. Sure hoping this post did not sound snarky…that certainly was not my intention. Glad you came away with a smile!