A Daybook Entry: January 2024

Happy Monday friends! And thanks so much for everyone’s patience with me….as well as the encouragment.  After December’s blog break and my “technical issues” last Monday, I was afraid there would be no one left to keep checking in on this little blog of mine.  But many did on Thursday and I am every so grateful.  And grateful for your kind words, too.  So glad to know I am not the only one who finds the “back side” of blogging the much less enjoyable part of it all!  There were also new visitors – and returning friends – last week which was a nice surprise.  Just the reminder I needed….that I really do enjoy all the connections through blogging!

We have one week under our belt for 2024.  I hope your year has started off well.  I got all of my Christmas things put away this past week and even reorganized their bins.  If it has to do with organizing, it is the task for me.  A good reorganization is beyond fulfilling for me:)  I also met a friend for dinner and have plans today to meet up with two more friends.  All of these are lunches/dinners that had to be postponed for one reason or another during the holidays.  After lunch, I will feel caught up:)  And full.  I am very grateful for good friends and enduring friendships!!

Let’s start this week off with a Daybook entry…..

The Weather – is dry and void of even one snowflake!  Hooray.  All last week, the forecasters teased us (tormented us) with predictions of snow for the weekend.  The street crews covered our roads in chemical.  No doubt, the kiddos were excited for the first snowfall of the year.  But, oh no.  My prayers were answered and there was not a flake.  Sorry all you winter lovers.  I don’t mean to be a scrooge but snow is not my favorite.  I suppose one pretty snowfall can be oohed and ahhed over each winter (although last winter, we dodged even that!) but six days into the year was just too soon for me.  Thankfully, I see no mention of the white stuff in the foreseeable future.

As I look outside my window  – I see several folks on the block still have their Christmas lights up. Isn’t there some “politically correct” time for lights to be taken down?  (There seems to be a political correctness for everything else…so I was just wondering.)

This morning, I am – going to exercise.  Again.  Eight days in and the resolution is still going strong!  HA.  Technically, there was no resolution but I really am trying to exercise consistently.  I keep telling myself that one I am going to wake up and actually look forward to exercising.  I can’t really imagine what that would feel like but I have heard it can happen.

Just as a side note, here are a few other resolutions that I did not actually resolve to do (but would have if I was going to do such a thing):  get outside every day (even on the days with snow??); make one meal each day a smoothie (this is easy when I am at home but I know will get impratical as the year goes on); learn to make sourdough (sounds delicious and I really want to do this but I know that would mean a whole lot more bread eating for me….which only means more exercise!); and get better – much better! – at taking pictures.  I rarely take photos.  I have no idea why but I so want to do better with this in this new year.

Lately, I have been thinking about – disappointments.  Not to be a Debbie Downer but life has had a “few more than usual” disappointments lately.  I have not been doing a great job of managing my expectations.  I plan (and overplan) things/events/scenarios in my head and, well, apparently, I am not exactly realistic.  I rather set myself up for some level of disappointment.  Nothing major but trying to rethink expectations.  My own and those that I (usually inadvertently) place on others.

On the menu this weekhopefully, will be a few new airfryer recipes.  I got a new (larger and improved) airfryer for Christmas.  I have used it a couple of times…just to test it out.  French fries and the like.  But I’m ready to try some new recipes.  I have been watching a few YouTube videos and, oh my goodness, you can just about cook a full Thanksgiving dinner in an airfryer.  Who knew?  Ok, maybe not but you can do a lot more than I’m used to doing with this pretty new kitchen appliance!!  I watched one gal make brownies!!  Oh boy.  Brownies without having to heat up my full oven and in so few minutes!!  (More exercising!)

What I’m wearing – the same clothes over and over again.  Yes, I copied that line from December’s daybook.  It was true then and it is still true now.  I did get some cute shoes after Christmas and, I have to admit, cute shoes can make even the most same ole thing look cute again.  Well, almost.

I’m looking around the house – well, around my office actually and I am loving the twinkle lights that I hung around the window in here.  I mentioned last week that I loved the look of the lights strung casually around the window and then it dawned on me….I have some extra lights and they are long enough to go around your window.  And, viola, I made it happen.  Every evening as soon as it gets dark (which often feels like the hour after lunch!), I turn on my lights and the twinkle just makes my heart happy!!  It is the little things:)

My To-Do List – includes getting a birthday gift in the mail for a family member who has a birthday the end of this week.  I think January birthdays are even harder (to shop for) than December ones.  What to get for someone who just received a Christmas full of goodies and granted wishes:)  My husband always defaults to the (oh so dreaded, in my humble opinion) gift card.  At this point, I just might agree with him.  But don’t tell anyone I said that!

A thought to share – I heard this quote recently in a sermon.  It is from C.S. Lewis.  Joy is the serious business of Heaven.  I was struck by that quote.  I wrote it down and mulled over it for days.  I came home and looked it up and it is a line taken from Lewis’ Letters to Malcom: Chiefly on Prayer.  Here is an excerpt from the paragraph where the quote is found:  I do not think that the life of Heaven bears any analogy to play or dance in respect of frivolity.   Dance and game are frivolous, unimportant down here; for “down here” is not their natural place. Here, they are a moment’s rest from the life we were placed here to live. But in this world everything is upside down. That which, if it could be prolonged here, would be a truancy, is likest that which in a better country is the End of ends.  Joy is the serious business of Heaven.

And, from my camera.  Look at this cute coffee shop that recently opened in our area.  Not only did have such a cute “vibe” but they served some of the best coffee!  I can easily see us becoming regulars:)

16 thoughts on “A Daybook Entry: January 2024

  1. After rain and flooding last week we have temperatures hovering around freezing and even a tiny, short lived flurry of snow this afternoon. Snow is so pretty to look at when it is freshly fallen but I do get fed up with it very quickly so I hope that was just a little ‘blip’ today.
    Good luck with sticking to your exercise intentions – I try to convince myself that dog walking and one class of Zumba is ok but deep down I know it isn’t!

    1. So glad your flurry of snow was short lived. The only way to have snow really:) And I totally think walking the dog – even in a flood downpour! – counts! For sure:) Here’s to a drier week ahead!

  2. We did get snow Saturday and Lucy and I enjoyed a walk in it, but by evening it was gone (my favorite kind of snow lol) I’ve got an airfryer and have only used it a time or two. For some reason, out smoke alarm went off both times. I’m gonna try it again (thanks for the reminder) soon. I haven’t taken down our inside decorations yet because I’m enjoying the lights so much. Maybe I’ll try some of those lights when I do take them down. That could be really nice. Hope you have a really good day.

    1. Oh, I totally agree….snow that is gone by evening is the only kind to have! I hope you are able to get that airfryer working – without all the bells and whistles:) Hope your Tuesday is going well!!

  3. Hello Jennifer,
    I look forward to Mondays and Thursdays when it comes to blog reading because I’m excited to see what’s going on over at your place. Good for you for getting your Christmas decor put away…and everything reorganized. I understand how that brings you joy because I feel the same way about organization!

    Congratulations on keeping up with the exercising each day. I’ve talked about it, but I have yet to accomplish it. In fairness though, I’ve been having some health issues that have kept me hoarding the bit of energy I do have.

    We have a family member with a birthday at the end of this month. I need to get the gift ordered so I can make sure he gets it on time. So thank you for mentioning that you have one to take care of by the end of the week.

    1. Dianna, you are so kind! I look forward to your blog visits each week just as much! I hope that your health issues will soon be behind you. I’m certainly praying for a healthy 2024 – and I will do the same for you! Guess what? I’ve yet to get that birthday gift. Oh my. The weather has been so nasty…I just do not want to leave the house! Thanks for mentioning to ME!:)

  4. Hi Jennifer, I agree with Linda, it would be lovely to meet up with you at that delightful coffee shop. I enjoyed reading your post, so many interesting things to read and thank you so much for sharing it all. It made me think a lot about what we have been doing lately. Not much right now as it is pouring down with rain, absolute buckets looks like. Anyhow my friend, in case I haven’t said it before, Happy and Healthy New Year to you and yours. I will look forward to seeing you again next time 🙂

    1. Oh my – but the weather has been lousy (and wet) today!! But it is not snow, so I will not let myself complain!! Wouldn’t a chat in a cute coffee shop make for a lovely afternoon?? Thanks so much for stopping by, Denise! And happiest new year wishes to you, too!!

  5. Hello, my friend! I love these daybook posts. I may take a page from your book and do my own version of this next week. Thanks for the inspiration! I hope you don’t mind and am guessing you won’t. I, too, love twinkle lights! That’s why I keep a pretty set on our mantel all year long. You can buy really pretty ones that are good to leave out and on all day from Lowe’s. It really is all about the little things in life, right? Is there anything better than a cute coffee shop?! I think not. I hope you’re having a wonderful week so far, my friend! Blessings and love to you!

    1. Jennifer – twinkle lights on the mantel all year sounds lovely. And peaceful! And – PLEASE – do a daybook post. Copy my page or tweak it to make it your own! I will look forward to reading it…for sure!

  6. Congrats on the exercise! You know that I am fond of it. I hope it´s something that you eventually get to enjoy or at least that you see some benefits either physically or mentally (ideally both) that keep you motivated to continue. It´s great that you´re enjoying your new air fryer. We have a bigger one that has a glass front so we can see if an item inside is browning and can take the items out when they look done. I hope your weather is dry today and that the white stuff stays away. I have ambivalent feelings about snow and our forecast shows vague chances of it for the next few days. Have a great Wednesday!

    1. Thanks, Maria! Hope your day is a good one. And I am hoping (against much hope) that the benefits as well as the motivation kick in. Soon!

  7. We got tons of snow last weekend but none of it fell until after and my husband and I landed in Florida. I know it was enough for a 2 hour delay with all the schools on Monday though. The rains came and washed it all away leading to flood warnings for most of the week. I’d love to look forward to or even enjoy exercise but the only part of it I really like is when I’ve finished up for the day!

  8. We’ve had quite a few disappointments lately too. But, not with expectations, with SO many things out of our control. It’s funny, I posted a book on Instagram this morning about the book I am reading…The Cost of Control: Why we Crave it, the Anxiety It Gives Us, and the Real Power of God’s Promises by Sharon Hodde Miller. It is SO good and what I need right now. I have it out from the library, but about the 5th chapter in decided I needed to own it. My copy came today 🙂 Have you read this one? I am glad you are still blogging. I don’t get over here as often as I would like, but I enjoy reading your posts. Happy New Year!

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