A Christmas Wrap-up

Yes…a wrap-up, the pun was intended! I spent yesterday getting everything back in the boxes and everything dusted, vacuumed and relatively put back together. For me, it is a WONDERFUL feeling! I love my holiday decorations but I really like everything back in its place…which is funny since we moved to the new house three days before Thanksgiving and then really just put Christmas things out. So nothing actually had its “right place” but I am having a great time finding just those perfect spots (at least for now)! And we even have storage in our new home and don’t have to haul all the Christmas boxes to the storage facility…hoorah!!

I suppose I’ve also really been needing the sense of calm that comes when everything is back in order – at least on the outside. This holiday season came with some very difficult trials and situations for my family and for me personally. Our silent night, holy night seemed to be anything but….more like a howling, ugly storm! I really battled with self-pity – thinking “its not fair…Christmas shouldn’t be like this” but God met me and reminded me Christmas is not about me and my fairy-tale dreams of a Hallmark card holiday. As I began to purposely re-focus, God blessed our day in many special ways.

We were surrounded with love by family – even those who couldn’t be physically here at the house. The weather did not keep us from travelling to my brother’s house in the afternoon for Christmas dinner. And the day was beautiful and comforting in many ways. I write this to remind myself…as the days and weeks ahead are certain to be filled with continuing challenges and heartaches. However, I never walk alone.

2 thoughts on “A Christmas Wrap-up

  1. Jennifer, I can't tell you how many times my heart can so hear yours. My Christmas was a struggle for me personally too. I LOVE how you put it though. Christmas is NOT about me creating and experiencing the "perfect" Hallmark greeting card. And why is "that" what I am often trying to do? If not so much for myself, but for my kids and grandkids? It just isn't what is important and really isn't what I should be wanting them to think is either. How fun to be putting together a new house! And I will freely admit that I am very jealous that your Christmas things are down and stored away. haha I love mine up as well, but anymore I begin to dread the take down shortly after it is up. There is just something comforting about it is all down, neatly stored away, and everything "in order" again and ready for the New Year. Have a great day Jennifer. Blessings and hugs to you, Debbie

  2. love the new blog background! i too am needing the calm that putting things back in their right places brings, lol. i'll probably put the decorations away this weekend. although i do love the tree being up so i might keep that a little while longer. many blessings to you Jennifer 🙂

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