Currently: August 2022

I thought the Currently link-up had been officially laid to rest.  I always enjoyed this monthly post and was a bit disappointed.  Well, imagine my surprise when I saw that Jen, at Overflowing with Thankfulness, was going to continue it!  If you have not visited her blog, you must.  She is a great encourager…and how she manages to get five posts up every single week is beyond me.  But, she does.  You can find the rest of the link-up here and it is open all month so there is plenty of time to join if you are so inclined.  That said, let me get started.
Currently, I am
loving – quite a lot, actually.  I am loving my crape myrtle tree out front.  It is finally awash in pink blooms.  I am loving the series of lessons – Boats in the Bible – I am teaching in Junior Church.  We have been having a lot of fun with it.  I am loving about a half pitcher of ice tea every day.  I get my water down first but then reward myself with lots of tea!  A few other things as well:  keto hamburger buns have changed my life (well, at least my meals!), not all pedicures are created equal and a good one is also life-changing:), and summer meals eaten outside – with a water view – are the best!
wearing – all the dresses.  Dresses in the summer are definitely the way to go!  I really enjoy dresses any time but they are just so easy-breezy, comfortable, and often extra cute in the summer.  No fuss and ready for the day.  I think I add a new dress to my Amazon cart every week.  It is a bit of an obsession lately.
hoping – all goes well for Jordan’s transition back to Virginia.  In last month’s post, I wrote he had 43 days until he returned.  Today, that is 14 days.  Fourteen!  I think he has most of his ducks in a row but, of course, I hear all the horror stories of travel, and, of course, I am a professional overthinker who can imagine how every last-minute detail can unravel.  Sad, but true.  I certainly will be happy to pick him up from the airport in two weeks.  Until then, I’ve included a few of his recent Alaska pictures (here and above)!
dreaming – about travel to Europe.  Of course, I want to go to England…and Ireland, too.  I mean why not?  But lately, we also have been dreaming/thinking – even a little planning – about Italy, Portugal, and even Switzerland.  Not necessarily in that order but, apparently, we have the travel bug again.  Still early and definitely in the dreaming stage….but even that is fun!
Thanks, Jen, for offering us these prompts and for opening the link-up.  And please let me know what you have been up to lately…or currently!  I would love to know what you are dreaming about!!  Happy Wednesday, friends!

8 thoughts on “Currently: August 2022

  1. I’m so glad you joined me for this! Thank you for the shout out! I LOVE crepe myrtle trees. We had two at one time, as bookends for the front of our house, but they both started to die…so about a year and a half ago, we removed them. Apparently there is a particular kind that is prone to living only about twenty years and ours was at that mark. That’s what my mom told me- I didn’t know this, but I trust her knowledge of shrubs and flowers. She has a green thumb! I do not. 🤣 I haven’t been wearing my dresses as much lately, but I think I’m going to wear one today when I go into work for a few hours. I’ve actually been wearing more shorts recently, with loose shirts and a couple of different kimono type things I have. I’ll be praying for your son to have a smooth transition as he moves back! I know that’s nerve wracking. And how fun to dream of travel! We love to do that kind of thing. I hope you have the best day, my friend!

    1. I do love our pretty pink tree but it is growing like a weed and rather taking over our little yard. Hopefully, we can give it a good trim later this year (or in the winter). I’m not so good with all these gardening tips! BTW – your kimono outfits look super cute!:)

  2. So many good things coming up for you!! I’m excited for you about your travel plans. Europe will be out of the question for us for a long time. My husband’s business is keeping him super busy which precludes long trips and conversely, if his business did not keep him busy, the lack of income coming in would preclude paying for the expenses of long trips. So…. I will be traveling vicariously (to Europe anyway) through others. That mountain picture! I’m swooning over here in flyover country, lol. It is great that your son is taking pictures- it sounds like realizes he’s about to leave a beautiful area so taking pictures is a great way to memorialize his time there.

  3. Eek! 2 weeks! That’s going to fly right by. Wishing him safe and uneventful travels. I’m not usually a dress person but have been wearing them more and more this summer. I love how quick and easy it is to get ready that way.

  4. So happy that Jordan will be home soon and settling back into a new routine. May God be with him as he travels so that he has no snags, and also as he settles in to life in the lower 48. It may be quite an adjustment. How long has he been gone? I know you will be very happy to have him back home. Oh, dresses! I wish I had a few more. Maybe I need to just order them. I keep telling myself to do that and then I can never find exactly what I want and I am afraid it won’t look right, blah blah blah, and so I put it off and now summer is almost over. Maybe next year. LOL. Crape Myrtles are so lovely. I don’t have any here at this house and I miss their pink beauty. I should plant some I guess. Your travel dreams sound wonderful. It would be lovely to take such a trip and escape the madness here in our land. I wish we could plan a trip. Just doesn’t seem to be possible for us now. But dreams are always nice. I hope you actually get to do it! Have a blessed rest of your week.

  5. I bet you can’t wait to hug your son again and have him home! Not long now. Like you, I am the queen of overthinking – all the ‘what ifs’ but hopefully his trip home will run smoothly!
    Planning for trips overseas is almost as exciting as actually taking the trips isn’t it? Sounds like you will be heading in my direction! When we went to stay at my sister’s house in Portugal she had new neighbours who had moved there from Portland, Oregon. I still can’t get my head round someone moving all that way when they retired! Such a lovely couple, enjoying a totally new way of life.

    1. Moved from Portland to Portugal? Oh, that would be a dream!! Maybe one day:) And, if I don’t move, I do hope to be heading in your direction at least for a visit. Hopefully, soon!! Maybe we can have coffee!!:)

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