Currently: August 2024

Hello again friends and look at me with a post on a Wednesday.  I don’t typcially post on Wednesdays but, honestly, I have been toying with the idea of starting to do so again.  Just testing the waters today – ha!  Mainly, I enjoy this monthly link-up, which is always on the first Wednesday of the month, and did not want to be late to the party.  August has come in with plenty of heat and no shortage of humidity either.  But I certainly cannot complain when so many are facing real weather disasters and challenges.  But, after reading the comments here lately, I am not alone in wanting summer to continue.  Most of us (but not all!) are in no hurry for fall to arrive.  Let summer continue!!  But, with that said, let’s get on with the link-up.  As always, you can find the entire list on Jen’s blog here.  Currently, I am……

LOVING – my new haircut.  Ok, loving might be a bit of a stretch.  I never really “love” my hair but I am happy with it.  I may (or may not) update my profile picture…just to document the stage of curls.  I assume it is a stage but am not really sure.  The reason that it is interesting is that the last time I went to the salon, I came home in tears.  Just about.  It was dreadful.  Really bad.  And yet.  Yesterday, I went back to the same stylist and tried again.  She is so very sweet and I really like the atmosphere of her salon…and, well, I suppose everyone deserves a second chance.  And, if I’m honest, the blame could simply have been my lack of communication.  Let me just say, yesterday was so.much.better.  I’m glad I did not have to look for a new salon or new stylist – ugh.  Glad I followed my instinct and tried again.

On Monday, I listed a few other things I have been loving recently but let me add: lattes.  Our favorite local coffee shop has been offering the most interesting latte flavors lately.  Any ideas what this one is?  Which, by the way, may not be the prettiest in presentation but was so very yummy!!  Yesterday, I had a creme brulee latte complete with the hardened sugar crust on top.  That one was super tasty, too!

LOOKING FORWARD TO – my missions trip to Panama next month.  There is a group of eleven from my church that will traveling to Panama in order to work with a veteran missionary there.  Not sure all he hopes to get done but we are all excited and ready to jump in feet first:)  There will also be several fun/tourist type days.  I know it will be hot (but, lately, I am quite used to hot) so packing should not be difficult but there is always the running pre-trip checklist going in my brain.  I should probably just start writing things down!  I recently upgraded my phone and, although the photographer is not any better (that’s me!), the phone is much nicer.  Hopefully, I will come home with pictures to share.  Imagine that – me sharing photos on my blog!!

SCHEDULING – not much.  Quite honestly, I cannot think of the last appointment I scheduled.  Does a haircut count?  But with the seeminly non-stop appointments last year, I am just fine with nothing scheduled.  I do meet a friend once a month for breakfast but we don’t schedule those so much as we just look forward to those Saturdays.  They are my favorite!

BUYING – a new suitcase.  I think.  I have carry-on size and a couple super size cases but I am thinking I want to carry something more medium sized when I go to Panama.  I do not usually check my luggage but decided to do so this trip just in case there were things that needed to be brought for the missionary or for our work.  I just hate the idea of paying a lot for a “nice” piece of luggage when I know how horribly they treat your bags – especially when you fly internationally.  (Actually all luggage is tormented.)  What I end up buying and/or taking with me remains to be seen.  I did see a really cute one with pineapples all over it that I thought would arrive on the carousel in style!!

GEARING UP FOR – well, not back to school.  Hard to believe it is that time of year already.  But gone are the days of choosing new backpacks and buying (seemingly) mountains of supplies.  And way too many boxes of tissues.  There is no way teachers needed that many boxes of tissues and/or hand santizers to start the school year.  There had to be a better way to stagger those supplies coming into the classroom.  Truthfully, I do not miss those days.  Actually, back to school season for us means travel season.  We enjoy taking roadtrips and/or vacations during the early fall when the weather is still nice – but the crowds are much less.  I wouldn’t say we are exactly gearing up to travel but the option is always there.

Thanks again for stopping by.  Let me know what you are “currently” up – and what you might be looking forward to.  I’d love to hear about.  Not sure if there will be a “regularly scheduled” post tomorrow or not, but certainly check back on Monday.  And, for those who were wondering…that yummy latte was pistachio flavored!  Never had that before but hopefully I will again!!

18 thoughts on “Currently: August 2024

  1. I was going to guess pistachio, because it seemed out there! I’ve never had a pistachio latte or ice cream, but I love pistachios. I’m glad you linked up with us today for Currently. I can’t wait to hear about your Panama trip! I know that’s exciting to think about. I get you on the luggage; I have some that didn’t cost an arm and a leg, but it’s held up well for the last five years. I bought one set in one color and then another set in a different color. I’ll be carrying my luggage on with me when I fly in October, just for ease of when I get to Denver. I would LOVE to see your updated hair and profile pic! I’m glad you gave the stylist a second chance; I see a spiritual picture in that. We all deserve second (and third, fourth, fifth, etc.) chances, don’t we? The Lord is always so good and merciful to us!

    1. Jennifer, you are right about a spiritual application there. I love it when that happens. A spiritual lesson in the simplest of every day things. Thanks for pointing that out. And, yes ma’am…the Lord is always so good and so merciful. Thanks for having the link-up today!!

  2. Agree with everything that Jennifer said! I am glad that you´re liking your new ´do better. And would love to see an updated picture! Will be interested to hear more about your mission trip next month. I need to upgrade my phone. I hope you like your new one a lot!
    Have a great Wednesday!

  3. Good luck and safe travels to your mission trip. I’ve always wanted to go on a mission trip. And yes, it’s back to school time. I have an 8th and 11th grader so I’m still experiencing the craziness of getting them prepared but I’m soaking it in knowing that one day it will all be over for me as well. I hope you enjoy the rest of your week.

    1. I hope the kids have a great school year ahead…and that all goes well with your job! Glad you stopped by, Dawn.

  4. Would love to see your new hairdo. Hope you trip to Panama will accomplish what needs to be done and also that you will have lots of fun times too…looking forward to the pictures. Have a great rest of your week!

  5. Jennifer, I love the idea of having a piece of luggage with pineapples all over it! It would be very easy to identify when it comes around on the carosuel and for me that would be a HUGE plus!
    I’m so glad that this trip to the hairdresser turned out better for you. You’ve been through so much and how our hair looks is so important to us women. Glad you came home happy. I shall look forward to you sharing a picture of your new style.
    I don’t understand the need for parents to have to supply classrooms with supplies. Having said that, our daughter-in-law taught school for a number years and she spent so much of her own money for supplies that there wasn’t room for in the school budget. Even when my kids were in school they didn’t have to take in supplies for the classroom…only the supplies they needed for themselves.
    Anyway…on a happier note…I am excited for you and your missions trip next month!

  6. Back to school always meant travel season for us too and I can’t wait to start to doing that again! We won’t be traveling this fall since we have a very big winter trip on the books but I’m excited to think about fall travel for next year. Those 4 years my son was in public school really put a damper on our plans. 🙂 I hope you have a fabulous time in Panama!

  7. Seeing something spiritual in each day is such a blessing. Enjoying a new haircut can be challenging and I am so glad you are happy with yours. I donate my hair for wigs and it is long enough that I can get it cut. It will be good to have a shorter ‘do’ for a while. Your mission trip will be interesting and I look forward to hearing all about it. Hard to believe school will be back in soon. We discovered our local coffee shop is accepting donations. We will be down there with a box of unused stationery items tomorrow. I wish they had a crème brulee, that would be my first order. I have no idea about the picture but it is such a pretty presentation. Clever about those pineapple designs, great for ID! I am nursing a bad knee so will not be traveling for a while. However, I will be enjoying my armchair traveling with you my friend, and I wish you a very happy journey. Take good care of yourself and have a great end of the week.

  8. I look forward to hearing more about your missions trip to Panama.
    Back to school time is road trip time for us now that we are both retired (from teaching). We are looking forward to sampling all the fun coffee shops we happen to bump in to.

  9. Panama will be so cool to visit. We got some new hard sided luggage for our last trip. I am not sure I love how the top flips over and things get rearranged when you close the bag though!

  10. My guess on the latte was turmeric. Clearly, I was way off base. I say buy interesting suitcases. Everyone else buys black or navy. We have a brown paisley one that my daughter was able to easily spot on a luggage carousel (where it wasn’t supposed to be) from a floor up in the airport and saved us from losing a piece of luggage.

    1. Brilliant idea. You never know where those suitcases will end up…glad she spotted that. I think a cute one will do the trick!!:)

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