Time for this month’s Currently post. A little look at life “currently” through the lens of a few different prompts supplied by Jen each month. She is on vacation but still got the link-up up and running! I do, currently, have a few thoughts and/or plans for the days ahead – with the regards to the blog, but I will share those at the end. If you are interested. But, let’s jump right into the post. Currently, I am:
LOVING – the last gasp of summer that the weather is giving us! Although the weather has been warm (and delightful), the signs of fall are still fun too. I am loving slower sunrises and sleeping in just a bit longer. I am loving cardigans in the morning, a heavier-weight (not too heavy) fall comforter on the bed and cozy, knitted throws in the evening. This time of year, I also enjoy stronger/bolder scents for my perfume, pumpkin scented essential oils in the diffuser, cute fall themed mugs for my coffee and farm stands filled with potted mums.
EXCITED ABOUT – going away for Thanksgiving. We made reservations at one of your favorite resorts in the mountains of West Virginia. It is so picturesque. The lodge. The food. The mountains. The entire weekend really puts both my husband and me in a holiday mood….and sometimes, one of us can really use a little kick start to our holiday cheer:)
WATCHING – Hallmark movies – or GAF movies – on FrendlyTV. And, please oh please, don’t hate me but they are just plain painful to watch. I know so many really enjoy these movies and, often, I would like to enjoy them as well. Although, we do not watch much tv around here, the nights are a little longer now and, well, a family-friendly/feel good movie sounds like a good idea. Until we are about twenty minutes into said movie. The exact same story line. The excessive, even garish, set design and decorations. You get the idea. We paid for the FrendlyTV app for one month and, no doubt, we will keep trying…at least for a month. I will admit, there have been a few of these movies, in the past, that were kind of cute, but we haven’t come across those this year. There have to be better options for those nights you want to mindlessly watch tv.
SEEING – waaay too many political ads and lies while trying to watch the afore-mentioned tv movies. Make them stop. We do not have cable so we have two (well, now three) apps we pay for in order to stream/watch/whatever a few shows. Read that: I pay to watch/torture myself with these ads! What is wrong with that picture?? Election season. One more thing that makes the season not my number one favorite. (I don’t dislike fall…it is just not number one.)
OBSERVING – some deep Bible truths in the book of Hebrews. And we are only one week into this study. I’m also observing that I’m not the only one who finds this book a bit challenging. But I love how all the ladies seem eager to dig in and are trying to discover a new truth – even if just one a week. There were a lot of good questions as well as good discussion yesterday morning. That really encourages me to study hard(er) this week. I want to be as prepared as I can to participate in a meaningful way next week.
Thanks for reading….I always enjoy these posts. They are not only fun to write but are also a fun way to remember the small things. The simple day to day things that can be too soon forgotten. And posts should be fun to write. Blogging should be fun. And, lately, blogging has felt much more like a chore than a hobby. Which is a shame. I do not blog in order to make money. I don’t blog in order to build a platform or grow an audience. I blog to write. I love the process of putting thoughts into words and words into print. And I blog to connect with others. I really (really) enjoy this aspect of blogging. I do not want to quit blogging (at least, I don’t think I do) but I do want to change things a bit – even if it is just temporarily. I plan to post only twice a week – most likely on Mondays and Thursdays. I may miss a day here or there. Giving myself a little bit of grace will, hopefully, go a long way. I plan to tweak a few things here behind the scenes as well but just wanted to let you, my readers and friends, know of the change in schedule. However and to whomever that matters……
Thanks much. Thanks for reading. Thank you for your kind comments and your encouragement. Thanks for the friendships!
I feel the same way about blogging. I stopped blogging for quite a while but have recently started again because I miss it. I do it for my own personal enjoyment. I search for other blogs that are not in it for advertising or money making and I try to interact with them on a regular basis. I hope to keep that reciprocity going.
Yes, I really like the interaction. And glad you stop by here when you can!!
Political ads and pharmaceutical ads drive me crazy! Regarding the latter- why on earth should I ask my doctor if a medication is right for me?? I didn´t go to medical school and the dr. is going to charge me for the visit- let him or her determine which medicine is right for me. Thankfully, 1) I am not an any medication and 2) I watch verrrrry little TV so I don´t have to worry about hearing my least favorite ads. I pretty much only watch Netflix and thankfully there are no ads on that. On to a better subject- your Thanksgiving plans sound marvelous!
I love what you’re loving! I feel cozy just reading it. My thoughts exactly on blogging – I love my fingers flying across the keyboard as I put my thoughts into words. I participate in link parties such as these for a sense of community but if it’s not there, that’s ok, I will still blog. Can you share the resort you’re traveling to when you get back? I would love to go away somewhere like that for the holidays. My husband and I were traveling from Washington to Virginia and we happened to be in the Grand Canyon over Thanksgiving one year. We had dinner at the historic El Tovar Hotel, it was wonderful.
The link parties are fun….but, you’re right, it is the fingers on the keyboard that is the real thrill of blogging:) I will certainly share about our resort and Thanksgiving! Thanks for stopping by, Pamela.
Your Thanksgiving getaway sounds wonderful! I find that whenever blogging starts to lose its luster a bit I take a big step back from the blog and wait for inspiration to strike once again. Somehow I do find the joy in it again after awhile. I could not stand all the cheesy Hallmark movies on Frendly and had to cancel my subscription. I don’t mind the cheesy holiday books that so many Hallmark movies are based on but the actual movies don’t hold my attention at all.
Joanne, I think we are right there with you and will be cancelling Frendly!
I’m totally with you about those tv films – you just know what the story line is going to be about 5 mins in! I cannot bear tv programmes that have ad breaks in them, thankfully the BBC is ad free so we can avoid them. I have a feeling we are heading towards a general election and already the ‘Party Political Broadcasts’ are getting on my nerves. I think maybe I need to join you on your holiday!
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, but to be honest we like watching Hallmark movies during the holidays. They have however, become very predictable, but we still watch them. We do not have a lot of political ads yet, but I fear they are coming!
Sick of all the ads! We have ROKU and I only pay for ad free TV channels.
Hello! Your Thanksgiving sounds lovely! And I cannot watch those movies. I try and try. But they don’t hold my attention. My very best friend loves them!!! She would never watch the shows I do! I prefer thriller or true crime. I am glad you blog. I always enjoy visiting you here! Have a cozy evening, my friend.
I find there are seasons with blogging. Seasons where we blog well and seasons where we don’t blog at all, LOL. A time for everything, right?! I hope your new schedule works out for you.