Yes, this is a picture of my curtains – my new curtains to be sure…but, really, it is a picture of much more because those curtains are a picture of God’s goodness and love toward His children.
Since we moved, we have enjoyed settling in and fixing things to make our new house, “our home”! However, there are (or were) no curtains anywhere. The house did come with beautiful blinds so that wasn’t an issue but I have been eager to find some curtains just to add that extra homey touch.
Well, who knew curtains could be so expensive?? Everything I “fell in love with” was too much and the more I looked for what I liked, the more discouraged – and impatient – I became. Sad, but true. It even seemed when friends came over and I would show them about – I would focus on my lack of curtains rather than all I did enjoy…and there is much to enjoy. But how quickly we can do just that – focus on the little things..the negative..while surrounded by abundant blessings.
But God is ever patient – and cares even about those little things! He is so good to me. But, I’m getting ahead of myself….back to the curtains. A friend helped me find some cute curtains that were just the right color in my family room – a black and tan plaid – and I ordered them from a catalog. They arrived on Thursday. They weren’t perfect once I took them out of the package – the color was great but the length wasn’t quite right and I really didn’t like the valance but I was more than willing to “make do.”
On our day out on Friday, we found rods (on clearance) that were perfect. But when we got home, Hubbie was not in the mood to hang curtains – grrr. But I had a sweet attitude (just had to throw that in.) And I could wait one more day. Then on Saturday morning, I did it AGAIN…I went yard saleing! Crazy, I know!! And that’s when I found my new curtains. These curtain had been in a home when this lady moved in and they weren’t her style. They were customed made valances, mounted on boards, professionally lined and gorgeous!! I oohed and aahed over them and then she said it….”you can have all those for five bucks, if you want them” WHAT?!? Sold.
Did I mention the curtains that I was going to learn to love from the catalog were $120 and here I got my heart’s wish for five dollars!! I could go on and on about wanting to add some more red to the room and how this or that was exactly what I had been looking for….but really this post is not about curtains but about my Heavenly father.
He cares about even the little things. He cares about us, individually and personally, and as a Heavenly father, He wants to bless and give us gifts. How often do I not only leave Him out of the little things of my life – not even bothering to pray about “little things”? How often do I rush ahead of Him and take care of things (not just curtains) on my own and then have to learn to be content with my own choices – and miss what He might have done instead? When I see my curtains, I hope to be reminded that I can take all things to Him. I don’t have to settle for “just good enough” and that God loves me as His dear child.
Just had to include one more photo of the family room ’cause Mr. Rascal was so cooperative…posing in his favorite spot while I took pictures!
Love your room and the beautiful curtains!
Oh Jennifer I loved this post and can soo identify with every little word you wrote. I just have a "thing" for curtains too and feel like a room or a window is just not complete without them. I have gone through my new home mentally soo many times and thought soo much about the window coverings..some are OK, but most have to go. And it's not just the money (though that is HUGE) it is the being able (with this arthritis) to get around and FIND what it is I "see" in my head.. I love that the Lord knows this about us, and loves us enough to care about these "little" details. I am thrilled for you that you got these perfect curtains. btw…love the pics of your family room and your dog…wish we could "curtain shop" together. Have a wonderful day my friend. HUGS
I love posts like this-so real – and points the glory toward God! Thanks for lifting Him up and reminding me again that He LOVES us and CARES about the smallest things in our day. It still amazes me when I see how He goes ahead of me in all of these situations and has something BETTER than I had ever imagined. Wow- What a God –What a Savior!:)
Enjoy your new curtains! They look fantastic!!:) And just think…every time you tell someone the story, they are testimony.:) Isn't He something?! I bet He had that planned out too.;)
Have a wonderful day,
Me too, me too!! I love curtains and get caught up in little things like that, but am truly overwhelmed when the Lord gives blessings like that. He knows and He cares about everything in our lives, big and little. What a blessing and encouragement to read this. I'm so happy you found a perfect fit at a perfect price! Thanks for sharing.
They are so pretty and they look great!
So glad things worked out for you. There is nothing like a good deal at a garage sale. Just goes to show you someones cast-off is soneone elses treasure.
I love this story. Love how you found the perfect curtains and how God worked everything out for you perfectly. He does know us, doesn't HE?
They look beautiful and yes every time you look at them you'll remember how much God loves you!
He's such a personal God and He loves us so much!!!
oh Jennifer, they are perfect! 🙂 I am so glad that you shared that simple truth with us! God does so want to shower us with His love. Little or big…..we can take it to Him and trust that He will do what is best for us!! 🙂 loved the pup too! 🙂
i am really having trouble seeing your post now….the colors are a little different….but, I might have to get my computer geek out on this one!!! Your posted words were black on dark gray background. The side words were red. I couldn't see any names in the comment section…..just "blank" said…and then the comment. too strange!!! time for the geek squad!! 🙂
Jennifer, your story about your curtains is wonderful! God had those curtains planned for you all along. You just had to be patient and wait for them, didn't you? Wow, what a deal! I know you were so thrilled. And they look beautiful in your den. It looks so warm and inviting and I love your sweet little dog sitting on the pillow. Your post was a wonderful lesson to us all. Thanks so much for sharing with us. Love & blessings from NC!
They look so good! I loved this post. It's awesome to think that God cares about our heart's desires.
I don't know why we are surprised when God gives us the desire of our heart when He promised He would… but we always are!! 🙂 Great story and I LOVE the curtains… just my style! Just wanted you to know I posted about my favorite teacher, so count me in!