Doing, Cooking, and Giving Thanks: February 2022

Happy Friday, friends.  I hope you have had a blessed week.  This last day of February – the 25th – is my nephew’s birthday so I must start with a shoutout!  Best birthday wishes, Stephen!!  Last month – on the final Friday of the month – I began a series, of sorts, here on the blog.  I enjoyed it and it seemed to be well-received.  So, here’s to another review of the past four weeks. I don’t keep a journal and I pretty much stopped using a daytimer or planner as well.  So, I am totally dependent on my grey cells (which is a tricky game) as I try to rehearse and remember February’s best moments – a little doing, a little cooking and, of course, always something for which to give thanks.  But, here’s to documenting them…

DOING.  There was a lot of Valentine preparing – and enjoying – this month.  I really enjoyed celebrating with my kiddos in Junior Church.  I also made chocolate-covered Oreos for some friends and had fun “sharing the love” that way!  Dunking Oreos proved not to be as easy as I remember it in the past.  They kept splitting and/or falling apart as I tried to get them completely covered.  I really think they have less filling than they have in the past.  No way to prove it but something seemed suspicious.  Just sayin, Nabisco! The rest of February, I kept myself busy cleaning out/reorganizing our “backroom” – aka our dump zone.  It really is not super disorganized but we had some things that belonged to our daughter stored there and she retrieved them.   However, the real impetus for pulling everything out (it has to get ugly first) was……wait for it.  Field mice!  UGH.  We have lived here thirteen years and have only had one mouse – and that was over a decade ago.  I don’t know what is different this year but it seems as if an entire mice community took up residence in our basement!  I have been totally unimpressed and on a mission to let them know they are not welcome here.  Let’s leave it at that – but, let me repeat….UGH!!!  On a much higher note, as I mentioned earlier this week, I also began planning a girl’s getaway.  I only mention it because organizing and planning my two love languages:)  And this month included both!  I am one happy girl.  Minus the mice!!

COOKING.  I did not try a lot of new dishes or dinner ideas this month.  I do, however, have one new sweet treat to recommend.  Strawberry Lemon Bars.  I found the original recipe here.  These were tasty.  The recipe cautioned (repeatedly) not to overcook them and well, I was a bit too worried they would be tough or some such, and I took mine out at the very first sign of brown edges.  They could have cooked a tad longer.  It was only the middle ones that were a bit soft so I tried to serve just the ones that were the most done.  I like that this recipe is for a 9-inch pan rather than a large 9 by 13.  Sometimes, you just don’t need that many dessert bars!  I made these for our monthly ladies’ meeting – which is a breakfast but, although sweet, they were well received.  And left the donut tray almost untouched.   They also have a pale pink icing which was lovely and perfect for February:)

GIVING THANKS.  Our daughter moved to a new place earlier this month.  She is so much closer to us.  She wasn’t terribly far away – mileage-wise – at the last house but the traffic, endless stoplights, and congestion were miserable.  It is so much easier now to get together or simply to “stop by” for a quick visit- both of which we have already done several times!  It’s great.  It also means we get to see and/or have the puppies visit a lot more.  (Puppies that are big doggies…but will always be pups to us!)  They have even stayed for longer visits overnight (puppy sleepovers!) on two different occasions.  In one month – yeah.  Sweet Bailey is just a senior lady.  She really likes her naps, takes her walks at a much slower pace, and her joints sure do get stiff, but she very much runs the show around here!  It has been fun seeing them – and their mommy – a lot more.

I guess that is goodbye to February.  Winter seems to be behind us which makes me one happy girl.  I’m looking forward to a new month.  Looking forward to more sunshine when the time changes, to opening the windows a bit and to all the wild animals to find their homes back outside!!  I would love to know what you have been cooking lately – or, especially, what you are giving thanks for this week!  Here’s to a beautiful weekend – and to a month full of blessings ahead.

9 thoughts on “Doing, Cooking, and Giving Thanks: February 2022

  1. Chocolate covered Oreos are the BEST! I can easily pass on eating a regular Oreo. But dunk it in chocolate (preferably white) and it’s all a whole new ball game! That is wonderful that your daughter moved closer to you. I’ll bet she loves it too. Have a great weekend!

  2. We had a major mouse problem this winter too and we have NEVER caught one in our 18+ years living here… in three days we caught 7! Ick! I was so glad to see them go but hated the thought of having had them in the house. We’re getting some snow and ice today so I know winter is not over yet here… sadly we probably have another month (at least!) to go. I bet those chocolate covered Oreos were much appreciated.

    1. Seven mice!! In one day! Be still my heart! Sure hope winter lets up soon….it showed itself here again today. No snow but sooo chilly!

  3. Oh you must be so pleased to be able to see your daughter (and her dogs) more often. Like you, I am enjoying the longer days and a bit of sunshine from time to time. Signs that spring is hopefully on its way.
    We are trying to incorporate at least one, and preferably two, vegetarian meals to our weekly meal plan and only have red meat once a week in an effort to eat more healthily so I am cooking a lot more fish and experimenting with different sauces that I can add to pasta. I enjoy cooking so I love trying new recipes! I am thankful that the days of having to queue for groceries and empty shelves due to panic buying at the beginning of the pandemic are behind us. It seems hard to believe that it happened now things are more normal again!

    1. Isn’t it just? Feeling normal again? I’m almost a bit hesitant to “let me guard” down! But, I do need to do some more experimenting in the kitchen…as well as cook more fish. Great suggestions:) Have a wonderful week, Deb. It is always so nice when you stop by!!

  4. I can relate to having a daughter nearby but having a fairly tiresome drive between your house and hers. My daughter lives about 20 miles from our house but we have to go over the mountain – a lovely drive, but then we wind around for another 5-7 miles through subdivision and commercial areas with lots of lights. Glad you guys are closer for quick visits. I would like to be able to run by to help Lauren with the girls for 30 minutes without a hour-long drive round trip to do so.

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