Happy Friday friends! It has been a good week. I say that simply to praise the Lord. I need to mindfully praise Him so much more. Truthfully, my week started off much the same as the previous two/three/six weeks. Despite my best efforts, winter has lately been getting the best of me…and I start cocooning. All the best intentions to get outside every day came to an abrupt halt and, well, winter is just not my friend. And the sun started shining. The snow melted. The temperatures rose. I met with friends. I laughed over meals that lingered too long and – just like that – I ended the week thinking, “it has been a good week.” Monday is somehow forgotten and I feel as if I stood from being curled on the couch for days (figuratively and perhaps a tad bit literally) and had the best full-body stretch!
It is no secret that I am not an exercise enthusiast. I think it would be wonderful to really enjoy running, doing pilates, or otherwise pushing my body physically. Some days, I try but even then I never exactly enjoy it. Which is disappointing. However, I enjoy stretching. I do several different stretches every morning – and I enjoy it! Stretching just feels great. It feels good in my stiff limbs and it feels good in my lower back. And, just as I instantly feel the benefit of stretching my body, it felt good this week to stretch my soul. To resist the inward pull to hibernate and to reconnect.
I know I will need to stretch again tomorrow. Stretch my mind, body, and soul. And that’s okay. Regular stretching. Daily stretching. It makes such a difference. I’m thankful for the reminder this week – just how good it feels. My five-minute thoughts (largely unedited and with no overthinking) on this week’s prompt at Five Minute Friday.
I know what you mean. I love to stretch in the morning. I was never an exercise enthusiast but I am now. I belong to Silver Sneakers and I do stretches, yoga, and cardio at the beginner level, in the privacy of my own home. Now after doing this for a couple of months, stretching myself has become a really good habit for me. I truly enjoy stretching physically, mentally and spiritually.
#10 FMF
Exercise in the privacy of my own home is the absolute only exercise for me!:)
So true – stretching has to be a regular thing and it does take discipline but the benefits are worth it!
Yes they are!! Glad you stopped by today, Lesley!
I used to run for miles and miles,
I’d run until I retched,
but climbing hills and jumping stiles,
I never stopped and stretched
as I saw so many do
(and thus they counseled me);
I hurried so that I’d be through,
and then at last be free
of the need to run again
until tomorrow came,
so I chose not to remain
for the stretching game,
and lost, not supple knee and hip,
but runners’ companionship.
You know – to “at last be free of the need to run…..until tomorrow” Ugh. Too funny! Thanks, Andrew!
Oh I love the thought of “cocooning” – it sounds so much better than hibernating – and what comes out at the end is so much better than what went in – so very different!
Just popped by from FMF #20
Hmmm – cocooning does, at least, have the potential to produce something. Thanks for pointing that out:)
I literally sat here stretching all the way through your post!!! That picture at the top must be mind-controlling or something, because as soon as I saw it I started stretching, and stretching, etc. Thank you. I needed that! And you are right about stretching our minds and reaching out to new horizons. My body and mind and spirit need to be exercised and stretched daily, both physically and spiritually. This was a good wake up call. Thank you again.
So glad you stopped by, Pamela! Lots of stretching needed here…that’s for sure!
It’s been forever since I have stopped by for a visit. Just haven’t been online much the past few months. I have missed you! I, too, am not an exercise gal. I enjoy walking, but I don’t have (or want) a treadmill, so during the cold, icy winter months, I can’t get outdoors for a walk. But now that the weather is changing and it is staying light a bit longer, I will be able to get out once more. But it will be just a walk—no running or jogging. Just a brisk stroll through the neighborhood.
Love and hugs,