Freedoms: Don’t Take Them for Granted

THANKFUL THURSDAY….and I set out my few patriotic things the other day. I was telling a blogging buddy (sorry for the repeat, Deb) that holiday decorating has certainly scaled back since the nest became empty:) but I do enjoy the few things I have – and especially this time of year! I did find a few cute things for the front porch this week at Michaels…all on sale and I do love a bargain:)

I love the since of pride – proud to be an American – that I feel when I set these things out…or even when I see others’ flags, etc. I am thankful to be an American. I am thankful for the freedoms that are written into our constitution. I am thankful that those freedoms allow me to not necessarily always be “politically correct.” Don’t get me wrong…I don’t try to be rude or offensive and I do try to respect others.

However, I am glad that my values and opinions don’t often “gel” with the politically correct current of our day – and that I am able to express my views and stand up for what I believe. Granted, that may get harder and harder to do…..but I am thankful for this country.

And thinking patriotically – don’t forget about 1- the giveaway! If you missed the info, go here to check it out and then just leave me a comment to be entered. Its that easy – and the winner will be drawn and announced tomorrow. And 2 – tomorrow’s Friday with Friends…we are talking about Independence Day – maybe your plans this year, a great memory, or just your thoughts on the subject! Already some have told me they will be joining; I hope you will join us, too!

7 thoughts on “Freedoms: Don’t Take Them for Granted

  1. I let the 4th of July sneak up on me every year!! I don't decorate for it much πŸ™ We do have a flag on our porch that is out most of the time.

    Ever since 9/11, our high school plays "Proud to be an Amercian" by Lee Greenwood, before every football game (along with the National Anthem.) I tear up every time. Love this country!!!

  2. Like I told you already I LOVE the 4th of July. And for many of the reasons you have listed here. I just love being an American even though our country has taken some bad turns and twists. How blessed and fortunate we are. I love a reason to play and hear that song Proud to be an American (it is on my blog right now) It just sums it all up for me. Hope you have a good day. LOVE AND HUGS, Deb

  3. Hiiiii Jen! LOVE-LOVE-LOVE the pics of Riley during her bday. So adorable! I uploaded mine just the other day and am now sitting her trying to do my blog again but with little patience left. It takes so, so long to upload pictures and I just get frustrated and then quit. Hopefully we can update our server and pay a bit more for a faster connection! Bob said he'd look into it πŸ™‚

    Love the new background by the way! Totally cute!

    Love ya and miss you!!

    p.s.-let me know when you want to come back and help me organize my closet and bedroom. UGH don't even get me started on the MESS in there!! Hee-hee πŸ™‚

  4. I also love the 4th of July. I love the festivities and patriotism that shows up on this holiday. I also am saddened to see some of the freedoms that our country was established with to be vanishing. We have so much to be thankful for in this country though. I am thankful for the people who have served our country in the military to protect those freedoms for us. Enjoy the holiday! πŸ™‚

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