Happy Monday, friends! I hope you had a nice weekend. Ours included a trip to the farmer’s market…and we did something I have never done before. We bought a full bag of corn and brought it home for the freezer. Really nothing for many of you but for this city girl, this was a first. I honestly had no idea it was so easy but earlier this week, I saw someone on YouTube freezing their ears of corn and, well, I was inspired. Thank you, YouTube:) I may not have a garden but I am excited about the idea of eating fresh vegetables (corn, at least) this winter! What else is super easy to freeze for the winter??
I also made some raspberry scones this weekend. And sliced my finger open. Not in a horrible need of stitches kind of way but, still, it hurt. The recipe called for grated butter. I’ve not done that before but, okay. However, I do not have a grater. It broke awhile back and I’ve just never thought to replace it. So, I had the (somewhat) brilliant idea to use my food chopper. It was, indeed, working brilliantly. Until I got too close the end of the butter and ran both the stick of butter and my finger across the blades. That was NOT brilliant. Nevertheless, I have survived….and learned a valuable lesson. Don’t use recipes that call for grated butter:)
I also learned a lesson – or was reminded of one – as I was preparing for my class last weekend. Our lesson was on the feeding of the 5,000. The crowd that had gathered to listen to Jesus teach was large, and they had been there almost all day. It was beginning to get late, perhaps even getting dark. The disciples were concerned. Worried. Perhaps even irritated. Why hadn’t Jesus sent the people on their way? These disciples – who spent days with Jesus, had witnessed firsthand His miracles and had even just returned from accomplishing great things themselves through His power – saw only the obstacles. The problems and even irritants. What if they had allowed those “irritations” to grow and had given up? What if they had sent the entire crowd packing or perhaps, simply gone home themselves? Obviously, they would have both missed the miracle as well as the opportunity to have a part in the amazing feeding of such a crowd!
I’m not sure if it is my age, my season of life or exactly what it might be….but I often find myself focused on the problems. The things that are not overly large by themselves but that can cause me to become (far too easily) irritated. Can cause me to quit or to not even begin a task or seize a new opportunity at all. I wonder, like the disciples, what I might have missed out on? Have I missed something amazing…even miraculous? I was reminded to keep my focus on Him and not on the problems, the hinderances or even the naysayers. I’m so grateful to serve a God who is still doing great things!!
I hope you have a great week ahead. Stop by again….later this week, it is (already!) time for the monthly Share Four Somethings!
Yikes, I’m flinching here while reading of your cut fingers! Bet the scones were good though!
Good thoughts on the feeding of the 5000!
Literally, me, too, flinching while reading the account of your finger and the blade connecting. I have not made scones in years though I’ve been thinking of making them again. I do have a grater so should the recipe call for grated butter I will use that. Enjoyed reading your insight on the miracle of the feeding of the 5000. Have a great Monday!
Great post and thanks for the reminder to keep my eyes on Jesus and all that He’s doing around me.
Oh the thought of that grater injury – ouch! I’ve made many a scone but have never grated the butter – and now I’ve read your experience I don’t think I ever will!
I do think we may have reached an age where it is easy to convince yourself not to do things because of the ‘what if’ issues then I hear myself encouraging the grandchildren to try new things and think that sometimes I need to take my own advice 🙂
What a great lesson! So many times we must miss what God has for us, because it’s too hard or bothersome at the time. Thanks for the reminder 🙂
Hope your finger is healing well. I tend to excuse myself from doing things because of perceived problems or lack of energy to power through. I am making Mix and Match Mama’s meatloaf bowls for supper. They call for a diced onion. I have a veggie dicer but just don’t feel like dicing the onions. Ha! Now that is lazy or lack of energy. Thought about dumping the recipe all together and doing something else but then I remembered I have onion powder. And for pity sake, how hard is it too dice some onions!! So the meatloaf bowls went back on the menu.
I loved the scene you are talking about from the Bible as it was presented on The Chosen. I think I wept watching it. And your graphic is so pretty. Not a big sardine fan but love the colors, the shapes in the image.
Hello, my friend. I know that pain! I have done the same thing! I am sorry, but glad stitches were not needed. Now, were the scones worth it?!?! I’d love the recipe if so! Have a cozy evening!
I hope I comment on the right post ! Your blog is a bit complicated. When Blogger started in 2002 I guess, there was one blog model but you could change the color. The easier they want to do it becomes more and more complicated. I blog since 2005. I like the photos of the fishes !
It’s hard to stay focused when times are hard… but it would be so much harder, without Him.