Happy Friday. Happy Fall. Howdy, Friends.

Hello friends – and happy Friday!  It has been an entire week since I posted.  Truthfully, since I turned on my computer.  I fought the flu and, well, the flu walked away with a win!  This past week was not been anything like I had hoped or planned….and it certainly did not include any blogging (writing or reading).  And I noticed something.  It does not take long for you to be “quiet” in the blog world and your blog visitors (or views) drop with a quickness.  Apparently “out of sight/out of mind”  is more than just a little true in this land of blog.  Is that a word?

Yes, I am having a little fun but, truthfully, I don’t want to lose all my friends!:)  I had hoped to get a full post ready for today but, alas, just a quick hello today…but I will be posting tomorrow.  On a Saturday!  I will be joining Heather’s monthly “Share Four Somethings” so please come back tomorrow.  Don’t be a stranger.  Until then, enjoy your Friday.  Let me know if you have any fun plans.  If I manage to get a full face of make-up on AND get out of the house, my weekend will be a huge success!!

It might be a great weekend for a bike ride!  (Well, for those who have more energy than a slug.  Restoring energy, post-illness, apparently takes much longer than I remember.  “For someone my age.”  Ugh!)  These photos are from my brother’s bike ride along the C&O Canal last Saturday.  The C&O – which stands for the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal runs along the Potomac River between Washington, D.C., and Cumberland Maryland.  Where Ohio fits in, I am not sure.  I also did not know (until Wikipedia informed me yesterday) that it is often called by its nickname, “Grand Old Ditch.”  Truthfully, I have never heard it referred to as anything other than The C&O.  Whatever you call it, it is a beautiful stretch of trails – for walking, biking, running, etc.

Yea – that’s my brother in the photo at the top of the post.  Just because I think he is cool!  He doesn’t know I shared his photo…so, if you see him, please don’t mention it:)  Have a great Friday friends.  Don’t forget to come back tomorrow!!

4 thoughts on “Happy Friday. Happy Fall. Howdy, Friends.

  1. I’m sorry to hear about the flu. I’ve only had it once since I’ve been an adult (and don’t remember if I had it as a child). It was not fun! I felt terrible for days. It was a much worse experience feeling wise than the big “C” was for me- though the C has left me without a full sense of smell so I guess long term the C has been worse for me. Anyway. I hope you get your strength and energy back. Take it easy! The flu takes a lot out of you. I checked your blog daily- when you hadn’t posted anything on Wednesday, I figured that you were out of town. Love the pics of the canal. Looks gorgeous and I would hike there if I loved close to it. Have a great weekend!

  2. I’m so sorry you have been under the weather, and I pray that you will start feeling better very soon! What beautiful photos. I love seeing all the beautiful landscape from parts of the country that I will most likely never visit. I can see why it is nicknames the “Grand Old Ditch”, what a gorgeous canal! It’s just beautiful here today so I might get out and do a few things outside, just to enjoy the sunshine and cool weather. All in all, it’s a beautiful fall day!

  3. what pretty photos! may these first days of autumn bring you joy and gladness, friend … and may your body mend and strengthen in the process.

    bless you with a quiet weekend …

  4. Sorry to hear you were under the weather! It sounds like you are on the mend now and I am so glad of that. I do find that if you don’t participate in the blog world views and comments and the like seem to fall by the wayside but they pick right back up when you do too so I have learned that it’s okay to take full weeks off (planned or otherwise!) and know that my readers and friends will find me again when I return. It looks like your brother found a lovely bike riding trail!

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