I Peter 3:4

Yesterday was a bit busy – or busier than normal…and I didn’t even think to get my post done. Goodness:) Among the usual things of the day and some extra cleaning for “company coming”, I was making a meal for my friends, Paul and Nellie. I decided to make extra and freeze some meals, not only for them but your my Hubbie to have while I am out of town next week. It was a great idea but a lot of cooking. I will have to share my recipes with you next week. I tried some new ones and was super pleased with the tasty results.

I also had the panel discussion last evening, which I think went well. There was a good group there – perhaps not the seventy they were expecting but close to it – and a lot of positive feedback afterwards. I do like to talk:) and talking about Tyler, even better…so it was a winner for me.

Busy. I was thinking about being busy. Have you noticed if you ask just about anyone – man, woman, young, old – how they’ve been, the answer is as quick to be “busy” as it is “fine, thank you.” This used to really bother me. It almost seemed as if there was some type of pride in being busy……the busier, the better. And I suppose there is some amount of self-worth in being productive and seeing tasks accomplished. Indeed, Christ even expects us “to busy about His business.” I have really sought His help with my attitude about this.

I think it is the stress behind the business that is the real annoyance. The “hurried, rush rush and no time to even pause attitude” that often accompanies the to-do list. I wonder how often we miss opportunities to be a blessing – indeed, to be blessed ourselves – because we have rushed past opportunities without even noticing them or, perhaps, we alienated others in our day with our attitude. No doubt I am guilty of this.

Christ instructs us, as women, that it is a “meek and quiet spirit” that is an ornament of beauty. Quiet means calm…peaceful. Yes, all of our lives are busy; however, even in the business we must seek that calm and peace that not only draws men to our Savior but allows us to be aware of people and situations in our day that need us to pull away from our “to do” list and serve. I am seeking the Lord’s help with this. I would love to know ways that you find helpful in trying maintain calm and create more peace.

5 thoughts on “I Peter 3:4

  1. This post was so wonderful! I was reading this same verse last week and meditating on it. I absolutely love how you brought the beauty of inner peace into it.

    I feel exactly like you do, I felt like this was my heart speaking! It bothers me the way people hang "busy" out like a competition, but at the same time, I do enjoy the brisk movement of activity. Through my busyness, it is easy to get caught up in that harried, panic mode which I do not like. When that happens, I'm sure there are numerous opportunities that I miss by simply not paying attention.

    An inner peace is surely an attractive thing, drawing others to seek it and the Lord from whom it comes. What a beautiful reminder!

    There was something else I wanted to comment on, but I cant' remember. I simply agreed with and was encouraged by everything you said here!

    In my life, I am striving for calmness and deliberately moving, getting things done, but not manic movements! Trying to be observant and take notice of simple joys and opportunities to be a blessings instead of the selfish "get it done' attitude. I'm slowly engaging some organization in my home and life which is a major time and energy saver.

    Thanks again for sharing and being such a blessing!

  2. Hi Jennifer,
    I have to say I so agree with you.
    It is like a badge of honor to be the busiest you can be, at least it seems that way.
    We heard John Ortberg talking about that very same thing on Sunday evening. He said there is a difference in being busy and being
    hurried. Jesus was busy but he never rushed!! That I think is the key.
    I learned years ago that I tried to pack way too much into a day and was always late, cause I always thought I could do more than I could. So I decided to start adding time onto what I thought I could do, if I thought it could make it somewhere at 2 I would say I would be there between 3-4. Adding that extra buffer of time really helped me. But as I have grown as a christian the Lord has taught me many more things.
    I think something Joyce Meyer says is right on, if God's people were less stressed and got more rest or sleep, they wouldn't be so joyless! We have to want peace in our lives, and I think a lot of people really don't desire it!!
    Inner peace is the most wonderful
    gift God can give us apart from eternal life thru His son!!
    Good post Jenn.
    Blessings, Nellie
    P.S. It is so good not to be rushed and harried because then you have time to stop and smell the roses and notice the beauty God puts all around you from the people you love to your pets and
    your flowers and yard, all His

  3. thanks for the reminder!! i struggle with this balance of getting things done with my family and helping others where it is possible without getting frazzled!
    Oh, Christ does want us to exhibit peace in our hearts and minds. I have been able to make a little time in the morning to make sure I get some Bible reading and prayer time in before I attempt anything else. That has helped to keep me focused on the important things of the day. Having the beautiful weather has also added some quiet, peaceful mornings along with time with God where I can pause and enjoy some of the simple things that if you don't slow down…you never see!! Thanks again. See you tonight.

  4. Sometimes it is easy to use "being busy" as an excuse. We will never know all the opportunities we have missed because we are busy! I have an opportunity at work right now and just today, I thought "When do I have time to do that?" Your post convicted my heart. I'm going to take care of that tomorrow. Thanks for being faithful to share what God puts on your heart! You are a blessing to many!

  5. Your post has me in tears this morning–it really "hit home". I feel like I'm running so behind most of the time anymore as when my migraines kick in, I'm down and then when I'm feeling better I'm always rushing to get caught up.

    I've had some days lately where I've really cried out to the Lord for peace since I am so overwhelmed some days.

    Sorry if I'm rambling, I was hit with another migraine during the night and am a bit fuzzy right now from the migraine med.

    Hope you are having a good week!

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