Today can be summed up in one word – rain! Pounding rain. Standing puddles of rain in the streets. Pouring rain that makes it so hard to drive and so miserable to take the dogs out. Endless rain. If ONLY there was only some way to send some of this rain to our friends in Texas…I truly do feel for them! Moving on – last week Kris had a really cute post for So What Wednesday…and today I caught myself thinking just that and, so, this is my short take on So What Wednesday?!? SO WHAT…if I put a plastic Target bag – that I scrounged up from my son’s back seat – over my head so I could run from the car to the Panera without becoming completely soaked?! Oh, yes indeed. Jordan totally ignoring me and heard to say more than just once, “Not my mom.” SO WHAT…given the choice, I would choose my “comfortable” shoes over my cute shoes any day. Actually, I do most days. And, good choice it was today – my cute shoes would have been ruined! So, actually I’m the smart one, right? SO WHAT…if the dog refuses to go out and take care of business unless he can share my umbrella – and I cater to him. The neighbors already think I’m crazy. And, just for the record SO WHAT..if I am the last – and only -person on the planet who does not have Facebook. I am all right with that. Really, I am. What is it about Facebook anyways??? Ah, and the weather is expected to be exactly the same for two more days. Oh my. Happy Wednesday, friends:)
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I would like some of that rain here in WA. too! Temps in the 90's is not my idea of a nice September day! I live in WA cuz I like the rain!
I'd wear the Target bag on my head for the opportunity to go to Panera! But hubby doesn't like it! He thinks they charge too much for how much you get! Guess Panera is a girl thing!
Something invariably happens to my 'good' shoes everytime I wear them … uh, we live on a farm and have free roaming chickens who love to be near the house. Nuf said!
I have cats that love to share my umbrella, too! My neighbors don't just *think* I'm crazy! :~/
I have Facebook, but only use it to be in contact with ONE daughter who lives across the country and it's too expensive to phone her as often as I would like.
I think you are smart not to get caught up in Facebook! Blogging is much more sophisticated for our age group, anyway! :~}
Yep, the weather here is going to be in the high 80's and even 90's for the next several days. Oh my!
(So happy to finally get to comment on you blog! My fickle computer was gracious today!)
It sounds like you are getting the rain we had on Monday. Just endless sheets and I too wished I could send it to Texas.
And you are not the last one on Facebook. I'm not and don't plan on it. I spend too much time on the computer as it is! 🙂
You are not the last one…I'm not on Facebook either! 🙂
So very jealous of the forecast of two more days of rain in your area. We have no rain in sight.
To answer your questions. I am in a group at church doing the study now.. …in our third week. And yes, after weeks of 95-100+ days with no rain, we finally had rain Monday…almost an inch and a half…and we are so grateful. 🙂
What a delight to come by this morning and read this post, Jennifer. Such a delightful read.We finally got some much needed rain. and I am praying for Texas to get some, our daughter lives there and she says it is really needed,
Enjoy your day.
Oh I enjoyed this! haha Not sure how I missed it yesterday. YAY for the rain. I could go for some right now, it is soo hot here this week. My comfy shoes ALWAYS win. LOVE Panera! As for FB….my kids forced me on. I rarely post a thing but I have become hooked on reading quick updates, news, and pics from kids. I think it is an age thing. My kids and older grandkids live on there, haha. Have a wonderful day! HUGS
Love your "so what's"!! They make a lot of sense to me!!! We had lots of rain a few days ago and my heart also goes out to Texas for them to receive some rain. Hope you have a blessed day!