THANKFUL THURSDAY today finds me awed by the leading hand of my savior. Along this journey of a christian life, there are many roads traveled, turns taken and paths made but, along them all, we have the promise that God not only walks along side us but He also goes before us directing the way.
Psalms 37:23 “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord; and He delighteth in His way.”
Not only is this promise a great security – it is also very exciting!! To be sure – as we go through life, there will be some roads along the way that are dark! Perhaps that can’t see your hand in front of your face kind of dark – yet, we never walk alone. I remember an exercise from a drama class I took my senior year of high school (really, I remember way back when!) where we had to be blindfolded and led by a classmate through the halls of the school. Our teacher said that the only way it would work would be for us to completely trust the one doing the leading. Although I don’t guess she was a christian, she was preaching a sermon there!! During the darkest of times, God holds my hand tightly and guides my steps.
Other times, there may be more light…or I may see more clearly – but just enough for the next few steps. I suppose most of our walk is this way. God illumines our path but only as far as we need to know. This way we don’t run too far ahead or get too distracted by whats up ahead – and we walk by faith.
There are, however, some paths that are so bright and the way so clear….and it is exhilarating!! We used to do quite a bit of hiking. Some of those mountain trails can seem to go on forever and, more than once, I’ve thought, “I’ll not do this again” but then you make it to the top and the field or the view stretches out before you in all of its splendor! It is beautiful and energizing – and I think I could hike for two more days! (yea, right)
These past couple weeks have been just like that for me. God is leading us and doing exciting things – several things! – in my life. His hand of direction has been so clear…..and we are eager to see all that lies ahead. I hope to share some of His goodness in the days ahead but so wanted to thank Him for His leading and all that He is doing in my life – on this Thankful Thursday!!
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Awesome post! "Where He leads…I will follow!"
It is always so exciting to see God working in your life and know it is Him. He tells us over and over in the Bible about the good plans and gifts he has for us. Thanks for the uplifting reminder. 🙂
God is SOOOOO blessing your life, according to your comments in your blog post. That is awesome!!! Thanks for sharing this beautiful post!! Thanks also for your sweet comments on my blog. I so enjoyed my time at the beach with my dear friend who also lost her precious son almost 5 years ago. We talked about him over the weekend and shared some wonderful memories of him in our lives. I am so blessed to have such a dear friend! Thanks to you also, for being such a dear blogger friend!!! Have a great week. Love & blessings from NC!