I have included this verse several times in my posts. I quote it often. Yes, it is one of my favorites…to be sure. All Christ did and all He does is so we might live the abundant life….and that “our joy might be full.” (John 15:11b) An abundant life is full of joy.
Then, why oh why do I (too) often feel joyless? No doubt there are many answers to that question, and blog posts that could be written for months to unravel the answer. I have been reading about, studying, and meditating on joy in my morning devotions. My joy often seems especially lacking during the winter months… and I know that seasonal depression is a real thing. I struggle. But I also know these verses are true in any season. Winter. Summer. Busy seasons. Long, quiet days.
There are no simple answers. No one size fits all solution. But I do know, as Christians, we face the same enemy. Satan. And He desperately wants to rob us of all joy. He would love to steal our eternity – our home in Heaven. But he cannot, so he will stop at nothing to ruin our joy until we get there. So often, we think our enemy is “out for” our marriages, our children, our homes, finances or health. And, yes, he would love to see them ruined. But, truthfully, he wants to work through our homes, our health and relationships in order to steal our joy.
Another verse I have been using often is Nehemiah 8:10b….“neither be ye sorry (grieved, depressed); for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” I am able to fight against the devil. Of course, there can be times and situations where counseling or medical help is needed. It might be we simply need to reach out and invite someone to support us along the way. Many times, being still with our savior – sharing our heart and then listening for His voice – is what we need to pull back the shadows. Whatever it takes, we have the strength we need. Strength to dismiss the enemy. Strength to keep fighting for the joy that He has promised.
Spring is coming – just as it always does. Just as God faithfully brings the seasons…He is faithful to meet us where we are. To supply our need and to strengthen us. And to restore our joy – and not just any joy….but abundant joy!!
Thanking the Lord for His rich mercies: