I am not a saver. I am not a minimalist either – not even close. I do not get rid of things simply in order to have less, but I also do not hold onto things. Pack them and/or store things away. I used to convince myself that I was storing up memories in my heart, but I can already see that relying on my memory may not be the best plan. My memory fails me on the regular. Perhaps I do need to pack up and store away a few more of life’s treasures. For me and for those I love. There certainly is not anything wrong with that but, of course, Christ reminds us – no, admonishes us – to store up treasures in Heaven. (Matt. 6:20) Here are a few five-minute thoughts on “treasure.”
How do I “lay up treasure” in Heaven? When I have priorities that align with God’s purpose and plan for my life. When I value and pursue what He values. When I commit not simply my finances but also my time and my talents in order to serve Him, I am storing up treasure that will not rust, fade away or ever be stolen. It is safely stored and treasured. Even more, one day I will receive reward for that which has been reserved in Heaven. “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.” Colossians 3:23-24
Yes, even I will receive reward. My talents may be small and my service may seem insignificant but Jesus promises that even the smallest of deeds done for Him will not go unrewarded. (Matthew 10:42). I simply must be faithful. No need to compare my service, my talent, or my treasure with anyone else’s. Daily I will seek His face for direction and for wisdom. And then follow where He leads and serve where He allows. Storing up treasure in Heaven all along the way. “…and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour.” I Corinthians 3:8
Just five minutes’ worth of thoughts, but I hope they encourage you today. Store away a precious treasure in Heaven this weekend. And you can check out others’ thoughts on “treasure” here at Five Minute Friday. Have a beautiful weekend!
This is so good, Jennifer, “Jesus promises that even the smallest of deeds done for Him will not go unrewarded. I simply must be faithful.”
Thanks, Lisa. I’m so glad you stopped by today! Have a blessed weekend ahead!
Wise words, Jennifer. I wrote this post gazing out on the sun shining through Autumn leaves and felt very small. Your encouragement not to compare with others but just to keep storing up daily treasures was helpful.
Thanks so Letitia – I am always blessed when anyone says that something I wrote was a help or an encouragement! Your autumn morning sounds beautiful!!
I stored up a precious treasure this week when I got to visit with my elderly aunt. Her memory is now totally gone–she now has no clue who I am–but she was still kind to me, a “visitor”, and I was blessed by getting to talk with her.
How very special. What a sweet treasure, to be sure. And a good reminder – I have such an aunt. Well, elderly and who would love a visit. She does NOT have memory issues…and so very much remembers how long it has been since my last visit!! I need to rectify that soon!:)
You say your service wasn’t great,
and speak of talents small,
but you’re not to assign their fate,
for you don’t see it all.
Let me give a sample
of what I’m talking toward;
let’s say your example brought someone to the Lord.
Far better, this, than cheering crowd
on some revival day,
wearing newfound faith so proud,
but soon to fall away,
while the one who saw your heart
is steadfast, taking Jesus’ part.
So very true – I do not see it all! Thanks for that reminder – and the encouragement – today, Andrew!
This is so good–and so true.
Thanks for sharing.
Sandra, So glad you stopped by…and took the time to comment! Thanks!
What a wonderful and succinct message… I like the “five minute Friday” thought. I need to do that more often. You have clearly stated your purpose and faith and action plan beautifully. And I totally agree with all you have said. I do have a problem with the storing up of earthly treasures. We’ve been entrusted with a lot of “stuff”, inherited from the ancestors. I don’t think any of our kids will want most of this stuff when we are gone, but then it’s not my problem or responsibility anymore. I will be gone on to enjoy my REAL treasures in heaven. What they choose to do with this earthly treasure trove will be entirely up to them. Yes, I want to be sure I am investing in heaven now. That is where the true dividends will be accrued, with interest. Have a blessed and wonderful weekend.