My Bible reading this morning included Matthew, chapter eight. I was struck, once again, by verse 27…”But the men marvelled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him!”
After a busy day that included healing a leper (v. 3), healing the centurion’s servant (v. 13), healing Peter’s mother-in-law (v.15) and casting out devils from many that were brought to Him (v. 16)…the disciples find themselves in a storm on the sea. They awaken Jesus who rebukes the wind and the sea, calming the storm and the disciples seem to be dumbfounded, amazed and even a bit baffled! Their thoughts are, “Who is this man??” Miracle after miracle they have just witnessed – been in the presence of – and yet they are amazed.
They just had not grasped that there were – and there are – NO limits to God. No limits to His power, His grace, His ability to heal and to help, or His willingness to intervene on our behalf. We are the ones who limit God. I suppose there are several ways we can limit Him but certainly our small faith – our lack of faith – is one significant way we limit God’s working in our own lives.
The leper expressed his faith, God commended the centurion’s great faith and repeatedly faith is linked to God’s miracles. And yet, often my faith is as small as the disciples. I have seen God do wonderful things – amazing, even miraculous things, not only in my own life but also in the lives of friends, family and others I know. Then why do I so easily convince myself there are just some situations, heartaches, burdens or requests that will never change or will not be answered? I certainly do not want to doubt God or in any way limit His working – and working mightily – by my small faith.
The centurion said (in verse 8)..”I am not worthy….but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.” Not worthy, yet filled with faith.
Morning Jennifer,
Thanks for your sweet comments this morning. You are so right why is it we are strong in one area faithwise,
and have lil faith in another area.
That is a great question to ask ourselves really?? That is how you discover truth!! We can be so compartmentalized in our lives, but I think asking ourselves questions like that makes us think, and sometimes we just don't think, we let our emotions completely control us! That is why it is so good to keep a journal of all the great things God did out of a bad situation.
It is like a Memorial Stone in the Old Testament. It is a reminder of
remember how bad this situation looked in the beginning and looks what all God has done thru it!
We always have to be reminding ourselves, but too, we have to give ourselves some grace……….
Cause He is not finished with us yet!! Praise His Name!!
We aren't what we used to be, but we aren't what we are gonna be!
Hope you have a lovely day hon,
Blessings, Nellie
I read this recently as well and thought the same thing. And also wondered what it would have been like to be there to be a witness to all these miracles and then see Jesus calm the storm. And I thought of the storm that seems to be raging in my life with my hubby gone and have been praying for that same peace to come upon me. Great post. Thanks for posting it!
This was REALLY good Jennifer, and so true of me as well. Some things just seem like there is NO WAY God is going to do that, and YET I have witnessed many miracles. I believe there is no greater miracle than that of a changed life, and I have seen that over and over again. I've often thought too that had "I" been a disciple and been there first hand seeing all the wonderful miracles they witnessed, my faith would not be as weak. And yet, I am quite certain I would have been no different. Can you imagine our lives really if we NEVER put limits on what God can do? And yet, there ARE NO limits. Thanks for this, it really blessed me. Have a great day. Hugs, Debbie