My Dependable Valentine

Thankful Thursday ……and on this Thursday before Valentine’s Day, I am so thankful for my sweet hubbie and for the fact that I won’t have candy all over my bedroom floor! Let me explain. I once heard a valentine story on the radio..…seems when this lucky gal awoke there was a sign beside her bed telling her to follow the chocolates – and, sure enough a trail of Hershey Kisses led from the bedroom to the kitchen, where coffee was waiting, and then onto the living room where flowers were waiting as well as a card which read (are you ready for this?)…”I’ve kissed the ground you walk on!!” I promise, I am not making this up!

Anyways, there was a time when I would have retold this story to my hubbie and then sat back..waiting – just sure, he would be inspired to create a magical moment for me just as romantic and creative…or maybe even more so! And, guess what? It never happened! Shocking, I know.

Fast forward a few years….and I have learned something. Love him as I might, my darling hubbie is not hopelessly romantic! Loves me – yes. Wants me to know it – yes. Sentimental even – yes. Laying Hershey kisses out on our floor – NO. And the most amazing thing is – he never has been. But what he is….is dependable and faithful! The same qualities that I loved way back when – are the same that describe him today. That dependability and faithfulness which I have learned to depend on, lean on and sometimes, even clutched onto for my very life……those are the qualities that I so love!! Valentine’s Day is not about trying to make him someone or something that he is not…but remembering and appreciating all the things I so love about “my valentine”!!

Happy Hearts Day, Sweetie!

7 thoughts on “My Dependable Valentine

  1. My hubby isn’t a hopeless romantic, either…completely opposite of me! But, he does know how to treat me with plenty of love, respect, and appreciation. What more could I possibly ask for?

  2. what a sweet post! My hubby is a good mixture of all of it, but a little less in the romantic part, lol. But that’s ok, because I’m not much of a romantic anyway, so we are perfect for each other!

  3. What a great husband you have been blessed with!

    P.S. I don’t think I’ve mentioned, but I like the picture of Tyler and reading his story in your sidebar. Thank you so much for sharing more about him with us!

  4. Jennifer,

    Have we ever talked about your losing your son? I’ve met so many wonderful ladies online, and sadly enough several of them have lost children. I’m sorry that I can’t remember.. my mind is just shot. (I think that happens when the nerves give out? Hehehe) Your son is just precious.. the little smirk on his face reminds me of Brent. He LOVED to pick on me! =-)

    Now, about Valentine’s Day.. my hubby’s not romantic either. He sounds a lot like the way you describe your husband.

    I’ve learned something about our marriage over the past year though. We (as women) tend to give our husbands what WE want most (love) and they give us what THEY want most..RESPECT.. I learned that in a Shaunti Feldhman (sp?) book.. 😉

    Anyway.. I’m not quite sure WHAT to do for him this year. I’m thinking of writing him a letter and trying to list all the many reasons I love and RESPECT him.

    Thanks for sharing your story.. as for the romance.. a girl can dream, right?? HA!!

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