Time for another Five Minute Friday – and today’s prompt is SETTLE. One of the interesting (and fun) things about this weekly writing challenge is the different ways the prompt is discussed or elaborated on but also even the different ways the word is interpreted. Settle can evoke images of making someone comfortable…or to quiet down and establish order…or even to resolve, as in a dispute. However, when I read the prompt, an old hymn immediately came to mind.
Long ago, yes long ago
I said the old account was settled long ago
And my record’s clear today ’cause he washed my sins away
And the old account was settled long ago.
With the Thanksgiving season here (it is not Christmas yet…just fyi!) and my thoughts turned to gratitude, I have been using several different ways to be more intentional with my thankfulness. And so, I will take this first FMF of November to continue.
I am thankful for my salvation. For forgiveness of sin. For the confidence I have that my sin debt has been paid. It is settled. The enemy is constantly trying to distract me, to discourage and to defeat me. Often times, I am my own worst enemy – especially when I give those lies consideration. I am not defined by my sin. I am not held captive by past sins. Because my sin account was settled, I can live courageously, victoriously and joy-filled.
I am thankful for those who shared the gift of salvation with me. For the privilege of being raised in a Christian home. I accepted Christ as a young teenager and I have made many a poor choice since then. No doubt, I have grieved the Holy Spirit more times than I would want to admit but I have never lost my salvation. Praise the Lord. And Christ has always forgiven and restored fellowship. Because my old account was settled long ago!! Certainly having my sins forgiven is cause for thanksgiving!!
Awesome. What a cause for Thanksgiving indeed! Visiting from FMF.
Thanks Rebekah! Have a wonderful weekend!
If I wasn’t grateful for anything else (and I am) Jesus is reason enough to be filled with gratitude!
Oh, He certainly is!!
It’s pretty cool, He took my sin
upon His curly head,
so I could once again begin
while He got, well, made dead.
Yes, I know that He would rise,
but can’t you feel the fear
that was reflected in His eyes;
could I have been that dear?
Is there one for whom I’d die
just as He died for me?
I might say Sure, or Well, I’ll try,
but we’d have to wait and see.
Was, on the Cross, His final thought
to wonder what His love had bought?
Thanks for stopping by Andrew!! I hope you have a blessed weekend ahead!
Beautiful post, Jennifer! Definitely a cause for thanksgiving!
Thanks Lesley! So glad you stopped by today!
We sing this one a lot too! Or I should say, we used to. Seems most churches have thrown out the hymnals and contemporary now. Oh, I do so miss these old songs.