I have a fairly good sense of direction. For the most part, if I have been somewhere once, I can get there again. And, almost certainly, I can retrace my route and get myself home after I’ve traveled somewhere new. This “little skill” has helped me numerous times and has not only given me confidence but has also earned me the job of navigator on many a fun outing with friends. Apparently, it has given them a sense of confidence as well:)
Unfortunately, there have been times of over-confidence. Several years ago, some friends and I traveled three hours north for a mutual friend’s funeral. We drove up, attended the funeral and visited with family, and then began the three-hour drive home. It had been a long day and we were tired. I did not want to be (literally) a back-seat driver but I was very confident I knew the fastest way home – and we all wanted the fastest route. However, the GPS disagreed. It repeatedly kept trying to send us to an alternate – very out of the way – highway, but I convinced my friends to continue on the route I thought was best.
That was a disaster. Although my familiar way was normally the fastest route, the GPS was trying to direct us around a major backup on the beltway…where we ended up sitting for hours. No one was impressed with my decision or my directional skills!!
Today’s FMF prompt is direction – and I think you can see where I am headed with this. At the beginning of this new year – a new decade – I am looking forward to whatever God might have in store. Wherever and however He might lead. As I mentioned in this post about my word for the year, I am anticipating good things.
In order to not only bloom in the months ahead, but to also walk where He leads, and to go through the doors He might open, I need wisdom. I need His wisdom. When I become too confident in my own strength or with my own wisdom and reasoning, I get lazy – even apathetic – towards seeking His face and watching for His direction. The same is true when popular opinion, the approval of others or even past success is what gives me confidence.
I need to daily be in His word. Regularly spending time in prayer – asking and listening. I need the humility that will obey however the Spirit directs. My flesh can be stubborn – just like it was that night on the freeway. I can also get too confident…with a “forget the GPS, I’ve got this” mindset. Both of these attitudes can get me in trouble – getting me off course or unnecessarily stuck and missing the best route! I am determining to allow Christ to direct my steps in this new year ahead.
Such a great, relevant post. And, “confession!” xo
Sharing those “confession” stories for the world to read is always interesting:) Thanks for stopping by today!!
Great story and lesson! It can be tempting to cling to our own way, but God’s is definitely best.
It certainly is, Lesley!! So glad you stopped by today!
I don’t know where God’s leading;
don’t think I want to know.
I’m fevered, beat, and bleeding
as down the road I go.
The morning sun at my back
came from a dawn of red.
The forward view has gone to black,
and today I may be dead.
Those who preach the TV Word
say God will help me thrive;
guess maybe they haven’t heard
docs say, “You won’t survive.”
It’s perhaps God’s gift of victory
to bestow mine own Calvary.
As a fellow Designated Navigator, I love how you tied your argument with the GPS into a reflection on overconfidence and ignoring God’s direction! Good words.
Thanks Sarah Jo – so glad you stopped by. And left a comment:) Happy Monday!!