The Letter Game

Okay..I’m playing the name game with my friend April…it’s pretty simple – or I should say it SOUNDS simple…you are assigned a letter and then have to list ten of your favorite things beginning with that letter. Once I got started, it was a bit trickier than it sounded. My letter is M…and, if you want to play along, just leave me a comment and I will give you a letter!

Here is my list in purely random order (I’m sure my brain could only compile a list in purely random order)…..

1 – Messiah….I’m so happy to know the true significance of Christmas – the Messiah’s birth….born to save us from our sins!

2 – My Mom….it was three years ago yesterday that she went home to Heaven. She was not only stunningly beautiful but just as amazing “on the inside”!!

3 – Music…a good song can change my entire attitude – and if only you could hear me singing from the shower (for some reason, I’m amazing when I’m behind that curtain!)

4 – our Military….maybe it has something to do with my boy leaving in two months to join the ranks (ya think??) but my heart is so tender right now to all those serving and sacrificing for our country this time of year. Keep them in your prayers.

5 – M&Ms….need I say more??

6 – Medical advancements….in particular with regard to the treatment of lymphoma – even my oncologist is amazed how quickly treatments options have advanced for lymphoma patients!

7 – Material things – I know it sounds petty but, truly, I have so many beautiful things..and luxuries… and it would shameful to take them for granted.

8 – My Marriage…I was going to say “mate” but not only does that sound weird but I really am thankful for a marriage that has lasted for 23 years and four months!! and we still have fun (just about) every day!

9 – Memories (I did NOT say memory because, trust me, that is long least, the short term) but I have vivid clear memories of my babies and all those years that have flown by so quickly – including so many memories of my sweet boy, Ty…that I cherish every day!!

10 – “M”…you know who you are!! I love you, sweetie. 143

If you want to play….just let me know.

8 thoughts on “The Letter Game

  1. What a great list! See, the letter "M" was a good one!

    Where have I been??? I didn't realize that your son is soon to join the military! I will keep him (and you!) close in my prayers. I really admire those who make the sacrifice to serve our country. God Bless him!

    I lost my mom 8 years ago and I miss her so much, especially at this time of year. I love M & M's, too…peanut are my favorite! If you don't mind my asking…are you a cancer survivor? I've had a lot of cancer in my family…mom-breast cancer, brother-stomach cancer, dad-bladder, prostate, skin cancer. So, for me, it hits very close to home.

    Hope you have a blessed day, Jennifer!

  2. April,

    Yes…my son is soon to be an Airman with USAF!! I am so proud of him but, my goodness, I don’t think I’m ready for this…he is my buddy, for sure! And, yes, I am a survivor! I was originally diagnosed with lymphoma five years ago and it reoccured last December – 12 months to the day after Tyler was diagnosed with his brain tumor! It is suggested that lymphoma may be stress-related…I don’t know – what do you think???!!

    Thanks for you kind comments – and for the Chapman video. It spoke directly to my heart yesterday. Loved it.

    Take care – Jennifer

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