Not a Word – but a Verse for the Year

Happy New Year – and hello to a new year.  Another new beginning.  A fresh start.  I love the energy and fresh vigor that comes with a new beginning…whether it is a new week, a new month and especially when it is a new year.  This year even began on a Monday – win-win!  During the week between Christmas and yesterday, there was plenty of time to reflect on the past year and to prepare and purpose for this new year ahead.  Whether or not you write out specific resolutions, goals are good.  Goals, at the very least, point us in the right directions.  Continuing in the right direction and, certainly, reaching our goals will be determined, in large part, by the choices we make.

We make choices all day. Every day.  Choices of no real eternal value and others that have great impact.  Some choices affect no one but ourselves.  Others have far-reaching ripple effects. Very often, the bigger, high-impact choices are the result of lots of smaller choices beforehand.  Choices matter.  I want 2017 to be a year of good choices.  And not just good choices but wise choices.  Choices that honor Christ.  Choices that not only draw me closer to Him but also point others toward Him.

Obviously, I have no idea all the choices that 2018 will include.  But starting today – er, yesterday – I can begin with the small choices. For instance, I can begin each day with the right choice.  To start each day with the God’s word and in prayer will only happen if I choose to get up when necessary, adequately schedule my morning and stop accepting excuses.  Doing so repeatedly, this choice soon becomes a habit – even a priority.  The same principle applies to more than habits.  Emotions. Recovery.  Reactions or responses.  Relationships.  Our health.  And the list goes on.

Will there be days that I settle for a lame excuse rather than make the best choice?  No doubt.  But each day has the same fresh promise of new Monday and I can choose the get back on the right path.

Joshua 24:15  “choose you this day whom ye will serve…..”   I added the emphasis.  This day.  Today.  This year – I will choose to serve the Lord.  To honor Him.  To give Him my best choices.

2 thoughts on “Not a Word – but a Verse for the Year

  1. Jennifer, yes and amen! Each choice will determine our path. One choice at a time . . . each one draws us closer to or further away from the Lord, from what is best, or worst, for us. Great post!!

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