Refuse to Live Distracted

It began in late November.  We watched a Hallmark Christmas movie.  And then another.  And then, well you guessed it, it became quite the habit.  Or, at least, a regular part of our December evening routine.  I dare to count how many of those movies we watched (in many ways, the same movie.  They just change the names….but I digress).  These movies are lighthearted and enjoyable to watch but, without a doubt, are made quickly.  I once read they are made in fifteen days.  Fifteen days??!  So there are the occasional whoops…..scenes where props or hairstyles or background effects change in the middle of the scene.  No biggie but it became a bit of a game for us to “spot the differences”!:)  I’m actually rather good at it and have always considered myself rather observant.  Someone who notices the little things or the small details.  Being observant is akin to be alert and, especially helpful, is being aware so as to anticipate what might happen or what might be needed in the near future. To be prepared.

However, some of the antonyms for observant, according to Merriam Webster, are distracted, preoccupied or even oblivious.  And I think, far too easily, we can go through our days distracted and preoccupied….becoming oblivious to much that takes place all around us.  As we hurry through our agendas, press on with mindless chores, or become quickly lost in the cyber world, we miss not only “the little things” meant to delight and refresh our souls, but we often miss the subtle clues from those around us.  The little windows into their heart that let us know of hurts, disappointments, burdens, etc that are buried there.  As mamas, wives, neighbors, and genuine friends, we need to be watchful for these little things.  They help us understand reactions, situations, and “what’s really going on here?” and increase our empathy and perception.  Truly, they simply better connect us to those we care about and the ones we love.

There are (so) many more reasons to resist doing life on auto-pilot but these are just a few of my thoughts in five minutes.  It is Five Minute Friday and, yes, today’s prompt is observant.  You can read others’ ideas here.  What small thing – whether a “clue” or a little joy – will you observe today??

16 thoughts on “Refuse to Live Distracted

  1. I believe what you say is all too often true: “we can go through our days distracted and preoccupied….becoming oblivious to much that takes place all around us.” We may miss some wonderful things God is doing or that he has provided because of our preoccupied or distracted lives.

    Suggestion: add a “Like” button to your blog. If you are using WordPress that is easy to do.

  2. Jennifer, I love how you took a different perspective on the word Observant. And you’re so right! When we are distracted by our phones, too many to-do’s, Hallmark movies, and other things, we miss the cues from the people who are most important to us. Distraction does not help us be present or observant. Thanks for this!

  3. Amen Jennifer, I like your insights on observant. Sometimes I’m not very observant. One thing since it is so prominent right now where I live is the snow. And, one of my favorite things to do is watch it snow, I am very observant at one of the many awes of our great Gods creations. Blessings.
    Visiting from FMF#6

    1. You like snow? or watching snow? Definitely a difference – lol!:) There is so much to observe..and, yes, enjoy…in God’s creations!! Thanks, Paula, for stopping by and taking the time to comment!

  4. From my past life, I’m too observant…to me, roadside trash can always conceal an IED, and not getting blown to pieces is a good thing…so when I was still able to ride in a car I’d drive Barb kinda nuts.

    It doesn’t happen here, of course, but old habits die hard…so I won’t die, I guess…

    I always keep an open eye,
    which gives my wife the fits,
    but my life experience brings
    but if you’re watchful, you won’t die
    because you can be blown to bits
    by what’s underneath that box
    that wasn’t there just yesterday;
    hairs prick and the small voice talks,
    and I’ll stop the car and pray
    ‘fore getting out on slow approach,
    check for wires, check dirt road
    for pressure plate a boot may broach,
    for light-beam that may make explode
    and render me so very dead,
    that IED still in my head.

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