I first think I owe all my friends somewhat of an apology…..as I was trying to decide which stories to share from our trip, my brain divided them into the good, the bad, the ugly – our trip was great but certainly got off to a rough start (ALL me) – and that lead to my little “teaser” yesterday…the “bad” news….but, I suppose that was a bit misleading. I apologize – but so appreciate everyone’s concern.
Jordan is great! Like I said, the pull-your-hair part of the trip was all me. I made the reservations. I arranged the ride to the airport. I fixed a schedule, of sorts, for us. (Is it just at our house…but why does this responsibility always fall to me??? It might not after this trip!) All was going great – I mean, really well. We arrived at the airport way early – hugged and thanked my friend for bringing us and watched her drive off into the sunset and proceeded to the ticket counter.
There wasn’t a soul in line. This SHOULD have been what they call a clue..but I missed it. We gave the (very nice) lady our name and she said we were not on the list! WHAT!?!? What did she mean? Well, she meant we were NOT ON THE LIST! We have a common last name – she asked us are you Greg?? no. Paul?? no. Let me just tell you friends…..we were at the wrong airport!!!!
Don’t even ask me how you go to the wrong airport – and for one of the most important flights of your life! We have two international airports in our area but, c’mon…even I have to admit you really should know where you made your reservation!! So, yes…mild – to quite moderate – panic began to set in. (Remember our ride had driven off into the sunset.) The very nice lady was very calm – didn’t even laugh at me!! – and said she thought she could fix it for us. (????)
It worked out something like this. We caught a flight to Atlanta which was part of the original plan…and arrived 15 minutes after our original connection to San Antonio. (Panic now rising.) We were on stand-by for the last flight out of Atlanta to Texas – numbers 2 and 3. The very nice lady back home seemed to think there would be no trouble getting on – the folks in Atlanta…not as helpful or hopeful. Having to sit in that airport for more than five hours – not sure we were even getting a flight was torture. (And, believe it or not…Hubbie not one time upset with me!)
We tried all options we could imagine – different airline and buying a last minute ticket. There were two other airlines…both charging just over $700 per ticket – are you kidding me??!! Maybe flying to Dallas and driving over…also did not work out. We simply had to wait.
And here is what God taught me that day. I truly wanted to get alone in a corner – anywhere – and beg God for five hours to open seats on the last flight so we would make it to San Antonio on time. Trust me – I did pray. But the Holy Spirit very clearly told me – we do not have to BEG God. He knew our need. He knew our heart’s desire. He already had everything worked out for us – for our best (whether that was to fly that night or the next day). I simply brought my request to Him and rested in Him to do the best for me. Praying a little harder…a little longer…a little stronger was not the assurance that God would answer my prayer.
For me – this was something new…something big. Because I did pray…and my heart was calmed – and the time I spent with my husband in the airport was sweet (not ugly) and we made it to San Antonio in perfect time – for a good night’s rest before Thursday’s run!
So – again I apologize for the bad news alert. Hubbie and I said we will always remember that trip in two ways! But, even the not so great start to the trip was a teaching moment for me. And, well you already know the rest of the trip was wonderful!!
One quick note – since being home, my sweet Hubbie has been rather sick. He has all the symptoms of the flu – and having just been to Texas, our doctor genuinely thought he might have the swine flu. She was actually excited about that – go figure!?!?!? Now she seems to think that isn’t the case (hope she isn’t disappointed) but maybe pneumonia. He is miserable – praying his antibiotics kick in soon!
Awesome story!!!
wow you were a lot calmer than me if i was in that situation, lol. my head would have exploded the second she said “wrong airport”. glad you guys made it and didn’t miss a thing! sorry your hubby is sick. glad it’s not that darn flu, i can picture his doctor being excited about it possibly being the swine flu. gotta love our doctors, lol!
So glad all turned out well with the trip anyway! But poor hubby! I will be praying for him.
Have the best weekend you can!
What a fiasco, but so happy you were able to learn something from the experience and that all worked out in the end! I’m sorry to hear that your hubby isn’t feeling well. Thank goodness it wasn’t the swine flu…that stuff scares me! Hope he gets some relief very soon!
So sorry about your hubby, you need to take good care of him. Not many hubbies would be that understanding :).
I so needed to hear what you said about begging God today. A lot is going on and I don’t have to beg Him to hear me. He has already heard and He is working for my good and His glory, whatever happens!
Wow! Also glad that it turned out ok after all. Hope your husband feels better soon.
I love the lesson that you were able to find.. AND that you were able to see it while you were in it. God already knew everything that was going to happen, and His plans are perfect. By giving in to them, you were able to enjoy the time he gave you with hubby. Who is not feeling well now, and I’m SO sorry! Hope he’s all better soon…
Been there – but in the reverse. Thought I was takin a VERY SICK child to Rochester, MN for a very important dr’s appt, only to find out we were booked to Rochester, NY. Been to San Antonio too. Love that town!
You sure handle it like a pro. I don’t think that I would have been able to hold it together the way you did! Great post!
Hope that hubby is feeling better soon! Strange that the doctor was almost excited that he had the swine flu. Uh….okay?
Have a great weekend!
Oh man. How scary? Frustrating? I’m so glad it worked out! (And I can’t believe you just missed it by 15 minutes!!).
I love the lesson you learned from it. Very relevant to me, and one I will be thinking on the next day or two!