Riley Fun and Peach Chops

What fun we are having!! The plane ride went great – yeah Riley!! and we have been playing ever since 🙂 Just a few pictures to share – and a quick recipe at the end! Life is so much fun!!

With Mommy and Daddy at the airport!!

Riley’s first plane ride!!

Such a big girl 🙂

Its been a long time since Poppy fixed up the
baby stuff…..and stuff there is, to be sure!!

I’m doing most meals in the crock pot this week – more time to play that way! Here is a yummy idea:
Brown 4-6 boneless pork chops
I seasoned mine just a bit first
Baste one side with peach preserves and
place in crock pot
Pour 15oz. can of peaches over chops and
add about 1/4 – 1/2 cup of the juice
Cook on low all day til so tender!!
I just love that crock pot!

9 thoughts on “Riley Fun and Peach Chops

  1. She's such a cutie!
    THANKS so much for the crock pot recipe! This is right up my alley since we've been trying to find more crockpot meals here lately. I will definitely be trying this one SOON! Thanks again!

  2. She is such a cutie! Glad that the trip went well. Hope the visit is wonderful. Loved the recipe, I'm always looking for a crock pot recipe that is tasty!

  3. Yummy on the recipe.. thanks! I can use that this week! And oh, that Riley is a cutie pie… have a ton of fun with that sweet girl! I know you will…. :<)

  4. i miss the baby 🙁 im going to need to buy her outfits to fill the void.

    im also going to need you to carry a cell phone, mom. welcome to 2009. ok thanks love you!! 🙂

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