It has been an entire month since my Share Four Somethings – the pandemic edition. Who would have imagined we would still be in the thick of quarantines and shutdowns. I know that a few states are beginning a slow re-open and lifting of restrictions, but that is not true where I live. The staggering numbers continue to climb and our governor said last week, “we are nowhere close to reopening.” It is overwhelming to try and understand and/or to sift through all of the information, reports, and opinions with any hope of trying to process it… order to have any type of control over how all of this affects and impacts us. Spiritually. Mentally and emotionally. Individually, as families, and with our community. Our people.
But, I am pressing on. One day at a time. Maybe it will be another month (it seems as if it could be) or maybe we will open sooner than expected. So, should this be the pandemic edition – part two? Or, perhaps, simply April 2020. One month at a time sounds good. Enough introduction. Share Four Somethings: April 2020.
Something Loved. A visit from my brother. Resuming Awana (distance style) and talking with the kids again. Fresh cut grass. The azaleas blooming. A drive-up visit with a friend. (We were on one side of the parking lot and the cops were on the other…ha!) Delivery of my favorite coffee – its called Santa’s blend!! Phone chats with some of my senior friends…they are so encouraging!
Something Read. This month I read the book of Leviticus during my devotions. I wrote a bit about it here, so I won’t rehash it. God taught me during this month but I will be the first to admit, I much more enjoy the stories and accounts of Old Testament heroes found in the two books of Kings, or in Joshua and Exodus. Funny story about Leviticus though. I recently discovered that listening to chapters as I read them not only helps me focus but also helps me read afresh and to glean new things. Yes, there was a lot of audible this month… and I used my tablet for this.
My tablet is a bit older…and, apparently, is developing a mind of its own. I used it one morning during my devotions and then several times for other things during the day. I also read a bit before bed and put the tablet on my nightstand. Sometime during the middle of the night, the tablet (on its own) decided to return to Leviticus. In a sound much too loud for the hours before dawn, it bellowed, “And the Lord said unto Moses…..”
I jolted out of bed. My husband didn’t even lift his head but simply asked, “What was that?” When I answered it was the Old Testament on my tablet, he said “oh” and was promptly back to sleep. As if we had audible messages of what the Lord has said every night?!? We don’t. And the tablet now stays in another room.
Something Treasured. Birthday celebrations. We have several family birthdays in April. Although unique, we have still been able to celebrate and enjoy these special days. It is just one more thing quarantine has reminded me…what really matters. I love the way we celebrate birthdays. I think family traditions are great and I do my best to keep them going. But, even while we had to make changes, we were able to enjoy these days. To celebrate the special people in our lives. There is more celebrating to do this weekend. I say – bring it on!:)
Something Ahead. Well – there is that birthday celebration:) I will officially be a hair’s breadth away from six decades! There is just no way to write that without it sounding old. But I am blessed. God continues to be gracious and good to me. I look forward to this next year ahead. It is obvious that we have no idea what lies ahead (another quarantine lesson). I don’t want to assume not do I want to take days and life’s gifts for granted! I am grateful for another birthday. I pray the year ahead will bring Him glory!
Happy Birthday coming to you! I pray that the Lord will bless you with special gifts from Him! I am in that special year now, turning that decade in September. So I know what you mean about wondering how the years could have passed! Blessings to you.
Thank you, Bettie. I am looking forward to celebrating with my family! Always blessed when you stop by!!
So funny about your tablet! That would definitely startle me in the middle of the night to hear words from Leviticus! Happy birthday! From someone who is MORE than 6 decades old, let me tell you, it’s not that bad! 🙂
Happy birthday to you! We have something in common. I am glad that you gleaned new things from your reading/listening of Leviticus.
Oh my word! That is hilarious about your tablet!!!
Only me!?!!?
Hilarious story about your tablet!! Hope you have a very special birthday celebration.
It was a very nice birthday – thanks! Glad you stopped by!!