Time for another Share Four Somethings. Actually, the time was last weekend and, yes, I am late to the game, but that is okay. I enjoy this exercise of considering the little things from the last few weeks that I want to remember. To treasure and to learn from. So, let’s press on.
Something Loved. The weather, for sure. It has been a beautiful autumn. The most glorious time for afternoon coffees on the porch, early evening walks in the neighborhood and watching the sun make it over the neighbor’s rooftop. When we come downstairs each morning, it is still relatively dark. But just about the time my husband finishes our Bible reading, the sun starts to stream through the window. It’s rather magical.
This morning, I grabbed his camera and took a few photos. I always have to take multiple shots in hopes that just one will look okay. As I went to look at them, I noticed there was another whole “album” of the same shot taken about ten days ago. I’ll include both:) We must be really impressed with the sun’s showy appearance this time of year.
Something Read. I enjoy reading blogs. It is probably the main reason I continue to write or to blog myself – because I so enjoy others. I know a current blog is not a prerequisite, but for some reason, the community (in many ways) keeps me writing. But, I digress. I read a lot of blogs but I also subscribe to a few – meaning I get notifications by email when they post. One such email I receive is from Michelle Morin. Her “Sunday Scripture” is such a blessing each week! A couple of weeks ago, she encouraged us, as Christians, to walk in the light and to avoid the darkness of “self-deception, sin, and even isolation” – which really struck a chord with me. I had to copy and print some of her thoughts as a reminder to myself. A reminder to “counteract our culture of isolation or the enemy of my soul.” She said, “if you feel yourself succumbing to the darkness of error and self-deception, lean hard toward the Light. Regular doses of truth from scripture are like Vitamin D for your soul. Let spiritual practices of prayer and meditation strengthen the cords of connection between you and God. Through purposeful hospitality and the ministry of intercession, war against isolation and strengthen ties between you and other believers. Reach out beyond the safety of your usual group and be the light shining in someone else’s darkness.”
Something Treasured. Last week, we assembled scriptures at church. We do this throughout the year as we have materials but this past weekend, we had a two-day blitz, of sorts. We had four sessions over two days and put together over 20,000 John and Romans booklets to be sent to Mexico! It is a lot of work…but it is so rewarding. And, it is a lot of fun!
Last week, I also spent the day with some friends. We have been friends for over thirty years. One girlfriend moved away and we did not all stay super connected. It has been fun getting together again – somewhat of a new friendship built off of good memories. My friend lives about an hour from me – going towards the mountains. The header above is the view from her front porch. And, yes, I will admit…I am just a tad jealous. The mountains. The cows. I could drink my morning coffee there every single day!!
Something Ahead. November (I bet you didn’t know!) We are trying something new for Thanksgiving. We are going away. Just the two of us. And trying a resort that we have never visited before. Could be wonderful…or not. But we are looking forward to just getting away. Exploring. Not to mention, enjoying a holiday meal and no dishes afterward:)
Thanks for stopping by today. Here’s to another beautiful month ahead.
What a sweet surprise to find my words in your post!
Such a gift of affirmation!
That post really was an extra blessing! Thanks for stopping by –
Yes, Michele’s writing is incredibly inspirational and soul-deep. I appreciate her, too!
Good company:)
I love these four somethings! I too have tried to capture the light just right, the way I see it. Often it doesn’t show up in the same way but yours offer a warmth. Thanksgiving is a different holiday for us now too. Never thought about going away. Going to have to ponder that. Your neighbor, Cindy