Well, hello November! I’m glad you are here:)
October was a full month – always one of my favorites – but it seems like it has been October (or at least, pumpkin spice season) for a long time. No doubt, one of the pitfalls of starting “seasons” weeks before they actually arrive. But, I digress. I’m just happy to see a new month. I did see some IG excitement, yesterday, for peppermint mocha…so, I guess a new “season” is officially rolling in:)
A new season. A new month. I just like “new”! And the new month is starting on Friday – and with Five Minute Friday. Theses five-minute writings, that springboard from a one-word prompt – are always challenging and thought-provoking for me. Today’s word, LAST, ended up being a bit of a soul search for me.
GO – If I’m honest, one of my first thoughts, after reading the prompt, was somewhat of a surprise to me. Almost immediately I considered the idea that this could be the perfect way to close my blog. To make this my last post. How cute and clever I thought. I have a love-hate relationship with blogging. I love to write. I enjoy this creative outlet. But I hate writing when it becomes a chore or one more thing I need to check off my to-do list. And, too often, this is what happens. The joy of writing – and creating posts – is too often drained.
I’m sure the reasons for this are numerous and deserve more than five minutes of my thought; however, I do know that I too often allow my insecurities to wonder, “what is the point?” or “why bother?” Soon after I began blogging, I wrote some thoughts – mission statements, if you will – down for myself. I think they are tucked away in my desk. I need to get those out. It is important to remember why we do what we do. And that applies to so much more than just blogging.
Why do I have the habits I do? Why do I have the priorities that I do? We need to be mindful of the reasons behind our actions, our decisions, our goals, etc. Knowing our why helps us live intentionally – not simply coasting through on auto-pilot – and helps us be wise stewards of our time and days. And when what we are doing is intentional, there is a sense of purpose that leads to not only contentment but to joy.
END – Let me get back to blogging and finish with that. There are several reasons I started blogging. Among those is the confidence that God wants me to do so. I’ve asked Him (too many times) if I should stop posting and, for now, I know He wants me to continue. But I do still find myself wondering “why?” And, yesterday, I read the most encouraging – and convicting – post here. From Kate:) (she hosts these Five Minute Fridays). I could recap it but you really should read it here. It is a wise question to consider for any of us. For whatever we do. For whatever Christ has asked us to do. Why do I _________________ (you fill in the blank)?
If we lose sight of our why…it is only a matter of time before it is one more “last” for us.
Well I’d be sad if you stopped blogging but I understand how it can seem like a chore at time and that can spoil the enjoyment. We definitely do need to remind ourselves of why we do it, and I think continuing to seek God’s will about whether we’re still called to keep going is wise. I love Kate’s point that it is worth it if God wants to use us to help one person.
Lesley – aren’t you sweet? Thanks so much for your encouragement!
I often think of quitting;
in fact, like every day,
but that would be remitting
back to God my pay.
For I am paid in something
more precious, yea, than gold;
it’s what to other hearts I bring
in the stories that I’ve told.
If I walk away from this,
it invalidates the past
with a kind of Judas-kiss
to the first unto the last.
Life hurts and each step’s agony,
but I have wealth in more than money.
Andrew – I don’t know how you do these poems so consistently and easily – but this really hit the nail on the head for me. Thanks for faithfully stopping by…and for your encouraging prose:)
You never know who will read your words and God will use them to help change their life. ❤️
So true – I may never know. But I do pray God can use my words in just a small way to encourage (even) one! Thanks for being one of my greatest cheerleaders, friend!