Snow Thoughts

Yes, we finally got some real winter opposed to just cold! And we are expecting even more. I know the kiddies are all enjoying a snow day – my 18 year old kiddo, however, was not impressed that they still expect you at work!! Before I get into my post, let me just ask you…are those some of the sassiest winter boots you’ve ever seen??? For a conservative someone like myself, they are pretty fun! And I get to “play” when I wear them!

With the weather as it is, while I was doing my devotions, I decided to look up all the verses that contain the word SNOW (you see the connection, right? I’m telling you, my mind does not think deep!) I was surprised at actually how many there are but the one that struck me today was Proverbs 31:21 “She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.”
When the weather changed and the storms came, the Proverbs 31 woman had no need to be afraid. She was not worried. Why? I think one good reason for this can be found a little further down in the chapter in verse 27..”she looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.”The Proverbs 31 woman had been busy and making good use of her time. She had made warm clothes for her household – perhaps making even the cloth itself. No doubt, she had food stored and ready to prepare even if the snows kept her from getting out. And I’m sure whatever she used for warmth, she had plenty of supply stockpiled to keep her home warm and safe for her family.What a blessing that I do not have to sew all of my family’s clothing by hand or grow all of our food! But there is much to be done. I LOVE being a stay-at-home mom; however, I find myself at a very interesting time in my life. I am on the very edge of becoming an “empty-nester” which means, among many things, I will be a stay-at-home – minus the kids! (Not by choice, of course, as my sweet Tyler would only be 16 now…but let me stay focused!) This means much more of my time is “my own”! This should be a very interesting change for me and I am excited to see what God has in store….however, I am still accountable for the way I use my time. God gives me so many hours each day – each week – and I need to be a wise steward of those hours. I want Him to help me prioritize my to-do lists, and to guide my decisions on how to spend my time each day. And when the unexpected “snow storms of life” come along, I will be prepared and have no need to fret or be afraid. Maybe I will even enjoy winter a little bit more (just a little bit).

8 thoughts on “Snow Thoughts

  1. Our Snow Day is coming tonight and into tomorrrow. I love this post, and I too love being a stay at home mom. I look forward to still staying at home when I am an empty nester and being available for my children, inlaws, and grandbabies if God so chooses to bless us with them.
    Great Post!

  2. No snow for us here in the deep South…I’m a bit bummed, I must admit! Of course, I only like it for a short while.

    I am soon to be an empty nester, as well. Brittany will be off to college next year, then Abby won’t be far behind. I trust God to get me through that transition with flying colors…being a stay-at-home mom is all I’ve done for the past 17 years. I believe He has great things in store for me!

    I really enjoyed this post and the verses you shared! Thanks a bunch!

  3. Jennifer, I really enjoyed this post. The verses you shared were a great reminder of my goal as a wife and mother. Thank you!

    Hope you have a terrific day!

    I absolutely LOVE your boots!

  4. cute post! i’ve never read about the “snow” verse before. we had snow all night again last night and woke up this morning to a covering of ice ontop of the snow.

  5. Oh Jennifer! What an inspiring post friend! I LOVED reading every bit of it. Great verses that ties in beautifully too! I work outside the home so my time is even more limited and I have really sought the Lord to direct my time spent and He has been faithful in guiding me. One of those things was to cut back on blogging a bit. I was spending way too much time on blogging and less time on focusing on him among other things. Sooooo, blogging for me has been cut down to no more than two hours a day. As I was telling another blogging buddy, before the Lord helped me to realize this….I was spending anywhere to 4-5 hours a day on blogging. No wan no! LOL! Sorry to ramble on…but your post really ministered to me today. THANKS lady!

    One last thing…..I made your taco soup again tonight for dinner. It’s been cooking in the slow cooker ALLLLLLLLLLL day! My family requested to have this again this week! They LOVE it! Thanks so much for sharing the recipe. Delicious to the last bite!

    Have a great evening!


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