A Song I’m Singing

Still thinking about yesterday’s post…..and I’ve had this song on my heart (and in my head)!! Hum along as you read the words – it might stick with you today!! Looking forward to a wonderful weekend!

Because He Lives
Words and music by William J. Gaither© 1971
Matthew 28:6″He is not here: for he is risen, as he said.Come, see the place where the Lord lay.”

God sent His son, they called Him, Jesus; He came to love, heal and forgive; He lived and died to buy my pardon, An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives!
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow, Because He lives, all fear is gone; Because I know He holds the future, And life is worth the living, Just because He lives!
How sweet to hold a newborn baby, And feel the pride and joy he gives; But greater still the calm assurance: This child can face uncertain days because He Lives!
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow, Because He lives, all fear is gone; Because I know He holds the future, And life is worth the living,Just because He lives!
And then one day, I’ll cross the river, I’ll fight life’s final war with pain; And then, as death gives way to vict’ry, I’ll see the lights of glory and I’ll know He lives!
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow, Because He lives, all fear is gone; Because I know He holds the future, And life is worth the living, Just because He lives!

10 thoughts on “A Song I’m Singing

  1. Beautiful song and it is perfect for today – Good Friday and as we approach Easter weekend. Great thought to keep running through our heads!

  2. Now I know we are both brilliant! I was thinking what I wanted to post today, and it was the words to an Easter Hymn! We’ll see if I do it! Just so you know I was not copying you. :~}
    I just love this song. Heard it when I was first a new Christian.
    Thanks for the memories!
    Easter Blessings!

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