Some days I have something to say and, some days, just not as much. I’m just enjoying life and loving everything that is spring and, quite honestly, I do not find myself wanting to sit at the computer. Certainly not upstairs in my office. So, this morning (after having brought my computer downstairs to the sundrenched kitchen) I am sharing just a few quick thoughts about spring. And then I promise (well, mostly promise) to let the subject go for awhile. I will try my best:) But, seriously, What is there not to love about spring? I can’t think of a thing. Of course, I do not suffer from pollen so that really helps. I don’t mind the silly, all-over-the-place weather either. And, yes, the weather has been a bit crazy.
“In the Spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours.” — Mark Twain
The beautiful blooms and budding trees completely outweigh whatever goofiness the weather might have in store. Every spring, I can so clearly recall my dad (and his dad before himj) oohing and ahhing over the latest explosion of blooms. “Look at those forsythia…or dogwoods…or redbuds,” he would say to no one in particular. Or to everyone. “Did you see those jonquils coming up?” When he asked, it was clearly assumed that, why of course!, you had noticed the jonquils…or whatever was the latest new bloom in the yard. I mean, who wouldn’t??:) Goodness but I wish I could wander around the yard with my dad. I knew we had a pretty yard when I was growing up but how nice it would be to share the joy and appreciation of spring’s beauty together at this stage of my life. This older and wiser stage of life:)
“I enjoy the spring more than the autumn now. One does, I think, as one gets older.” — Virginia Woolf
All that to say, here are a few things I love about spring. And then I am off to get outside. Walk the dog. Pull some weeds. Have a second cup of coffee – outside. Snap another random picture of pretty trees. And, perhaps, do one more battle with the pollen on the porch furniture:) Have a beautiful day and weekend ahead, friends!!
“Spring is when you feel like whistling, even with a shoe full of slush.” — Doug Larson
DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME – I know do not enjoy this change in the clockst but, personally, I am all for it. I love the longer evenings. I honestly feel more energetic and just plain healthier.
OUTDOOR DINING – No. We have not eaten outside at home yet. But we have been choosing “the patio” when at a restaurant or going for coffee. The other day, it was a beautiful afternoon while we enjoyed a pretty latte. Mine was honey lavender – have you ever tried it? (I may or may not have also had a yummy scone!) And, literally, the minute we got into our car the sky rained down hail. While the sun was shining. It was so odd. And funny.
SPRING WARDROBE – I have finally transitioned completely away from my warm weather clothes. That is a good thing….the heavy, bulky clothes of winter just make me feel (and look) well…heavy and bulky! Hooray for lighter clothes:) I even bought myself some new sneakers. I usually wear flats with my skirts but everyone I see on tv (of course, I only watch British tv but I assume it is the same around here) wears sneakers – or trainers:) – with their dresses. And it looks cute. But will it look cute on me??
OPEN WINDOWS – And back doors. Sure it lets a bit of pollen in. Yes there is extra dusting. Ah, but the breeze and the fresh air:) Again, I just feel better.
SMELL OF CUT GRASS – My husband is mowing the lawn as I type. This one just has all the best memories for me. I’ve said it before, but I really think they should be selling candles with the scent of fresh cut grass!
KIDS PLAYING OUTSIDE – I love the sounds of life outside. Our new neighbors have two super sweet kids and they love to be outside. I not only enjoy hearing them have a good time but I also enjoy the memories of my own childhood. We loved to play outside!!
SPRING CLEANING – I have never really minded cleaning and sometimes even enjoy it! It can be very satisfying. The end product puts me in a happy place:) The older I get, the less I enjoy cleaning. Sad but true. However, I do get a bit more motivated in spring. Here’s hoping I take full advantage of that motivation in the next couple of weeks!
BIRTHDAYS – As I mentinoned last week, we have several in April….including mine! So many chances to enjoy cake. Or banana pudding:) We will be celebating on Monday night. We are going to try an escape room again. We used to do those quite a bit but, sort of ran out of enthusiasm. But we are ready to try again. Here’s to hoping we are successful!
Again – thanks for reading. There have several new readers/visitors which is a lot of fun. I glad you found your way to my blog and hope we can visit back and forth more in the days ahead. What is one of your favorite things about spring?? Share in the comments and I’ll ooh and ahh right along with you!
Hello! Your photos made my heart happy today! And this quote, “I enjoy the spring more than the autumn now. One does, I think, as one gets older.” — Virginia Woolf sums up my feelings entirely. I have always been an autumn girl. I love the cooler air, the colorful leaves, the smell of woodstoves, and the promise of pumpkin everything. Yet, recently, I have been appreciating spring so much more. Your post points out so many reasons why. Thank you for sharing!
So glad you stopped by, BillieJo! Hope spring is in full bloom where you are:) Have a wonderful weekend ahead!
Oh my…am I limited to just one? Our redbud is absolutely FULL of gorgeous bloom this spring! I see it from our kitchen window. Makes the washing up a bit more fun. ~wink~
I think that Spring may be my favourite season too – lighter mornings and later sunsets make me very happy. Now if only Mother Nature could give us a consistent round of warm dry weather, I would be very grateful. It is unfair to taunt us with a couple of days of bright sunny weather and then return to the grey, drizzly days!
I love Spring…new hope and life.
Happy weekend!
I love spring too!! It is just such a wonderful time of hope and renewal. Everything is all growing and sunny and wonderful!
Spring is my favorite time of year followed by summer. My birthday is in the spring – exactly two weeks from today. I love that everything is blooming again and full of life, although I am allergic to all the pollen. And I’m loving the longer, brighter days. I’m a sunny day girl that’s for sure!! Sunlight and warm weather motivate me! I’ve also noticed everyone is wearing sneakers with dresses these days. I ordered a few pairs from Dr Scholls, which should arrive soon. I hope I love them because I’m all about being comfortable. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
I’m with you! Spring is my favorite season. Warmer weather, sunshine, blue skies, flowers, snow melting! What’s not to like? Well – there is pollen. But the good sure outweighs the bad.
They have the best fresh mown grass candle! It’s Miss Sadie or Aunt Sadie…you can google it, it’s on Amazon. It’s amazing!
I love this time of year, everything feels new and fresh. The only thing I am not so keen on is the crazy weather. As I type this it’s raining outside but the sun is trying to come out and I have the windows open as it’s quite warm! lol
Isn’t it lovely to have the windows open!! Enjoy…enjoy, Kim! Glad you stopped by!