So many questions lately. I read them, see them and hear them everywhere. One of the biggest questions lately is what to do about schooling and, although I am (way) past that stage of life, I appreciate the heaviness of that question. For many, there is no easy answer. But all parents want to make the best decision. They want to get it right. No matter what stage of life or what the hard question or decision might be, we all have the desire to get it right. “Right” is today’s prompt for FMF and these are my five-minute thoughts.
GO – The Israelites knew they were to get out of Egypt. Moses had delivered God’s message. They had seen God worked mightly – and protect miraculously – through the plagues. To flee Egypt and to follow Moses was definitely the “right” thing to do. Of course, most of us are familiar with their story. The complaining and doubting – even the longing to go back – began almost immediately. After just three days actually.
I know the children of Israel are known for their murmuring. As a group, they were whiners and an ungrateful lot. But I just wonder if there were those among the doubters who were simply second-guessers? Those who were sure they had made the right decision but then began to fear when they way got tough – or the way simply was not anything like they expected.
I am a professional second-guesser. I can pray, seek advice, pray some more and be very sure of God’s leading – and even move forward with confidence. But that confidence often seems to evaporate before I can even get three steps in. The questions, doubts and insecurities start to take over and I often find myself wondering, “Did I hear God right?” When God gives me peace to make a decision, I should be able to move forward with confidence and a peace-filled heart.
“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee….” Isaiah 26:3a
STOP (but I can’t stop there) – But how? The enemy knows how to unravel my confidence. He knows the tricks that make me anxious. The thoughts that cause me to doubt not only myself but God’s ability to provide, to strengthen, or His willingness to help me. I must recognize those thoughts for what they are – Satan’s schemes and lies. I have to take my thoughts captive – refusing to mentally rehearse and meditate on the doubts, etc.
I know many who keep prayer journals. Written notes/entries to help them remember God’s faithfulness and goodness through answered prayers. I think a similar journal would be useful in remembering how God has led, called and directed you. How He gave answers to decisions and choices. And to remember the assurance you had at the beginning of the journey. When the way gets tough (and it will) or the doubts arise – maybe even the longing to return – reading those journal entries can fix your heart back on His way. Back on the path where He has put you. The way you know is right.
How do you keep your heart assured? Please share in the comments – I read and appreciate every one.
Ahh , yes, those Israelites. I give them such a hard time, but I am just like them. I too am a “professional second guesser.” I hear myself often saying, “I don’t know; I could go either way.” I say it so much it’s starting to irritate me. Ha. God has not given me a spirit of wishy-washyness (a real word?). I need to continue to let God shape me in this area.
Amie, FMF #21
Thanks for stopping by – one professional second guesser to another:) Praying God continues to shape me as well!!
Yes, I am very good at second-guessing. It’s easy to set out like the Israelites, sure that God has called us, only to start doubting it when we run into difficulties. Remembering that moment of calling and the ways we’ve seen God at work are so important.
The difficulties always come – I should know that by now. I’ve watched God work so many times! Definitely a slow learner here:)
I did a Bible study that required participants to write prayers. I had never done that before and it was a wonderful experience. Glad to be reminded of that through your post. Have always meant to start a prayer journal but haven’t done it…yet. What a wonderful suit of armor a prayer journal could provide against the enemy.
I have tried to write out my prayers. I found it challenging and a bit awkward. But the older I get, I can see real benefit to it. Perhaps I should try again….