Remember this most amazing looking cupcake? And, trust me, it was as delicious as it was pretty. It was a treat from a friend from the infamous Georgetown Cupcake – a cupcake bakery featured on tv and not too far from my home and, yet, I have never been there! I know – why not?? But it took a sweet friend to come from all the way from South Carolina to stop by the bakery on her way home from a visit to DC in order for me to get a cupcake!! Now, how nice is that?? But – even better…this visit from a friend was a blog friend! Someone I “met” while blogging and then was able to meet in person – now that was the true sweet treat! Rose and her husband were in Washington, DC for several days (she has great photos on her blog! I never tire of pictures from the city!) and we were able to meet at Cracker Barrel on their way home. They stopped at Georgetown Cupcake – even got there 45 minutes early to be the first in line….yes, there is a line outside every day! – in order to take cupcakes home to her daughter and family! Yep, they are that sweet. Apparently a bus arrived at Cracker Barrel just before we did and the place was swamped and completely unprepared (which seems silly when you are located right on the interstate but, whatever) and our meal was nothing short of a comical mess…but we shared some good laughs and enjoyed each other’s company as if we had been old friends! I so enjoyed visiting. I have heard of others having the chance to meet their “blog friends” but really thought I might have the opportunity – but so glad I did. Just another reason to love blogging!! And the invitation is open and standing – if you are in..or near…the nation’s capital – please drop me line!! Rose, so glad to have met you and your sweetie…and, thanks again for the cupcake!!
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Hi Jenn,
What a wonderful story, that was so neat that you got to meet Rose and her hubby and have a meal together
at one of my all time fav places.
So sweet she brought you a cupcake
too………doesn't blogging just bless your heart when you find out how many dear sweet people there are in this world. Love it! It has sure been a blessing to me, and you have been one of them.
You asked about where Dee's wedding will be….they are going to St. Lucia by themselves, but they are gonna have it video taped, so at least we will get to see it like that. There was just too much stress with her inlaws and it was causing too many issues, so they just decided this was much easier,
actually I think it is what she has really wanted all along! think it just seems so romantic to her…..
I just hope it meets her expectations. Haven't said anything on my blog about that since I think her MIL to be might
read my blog at times, not for sure, but better safe than sorry.
Take Care Sweetie,
Love and Blessings Nellie
P.S. Remember my friend you sent the card and book to……she is involved in a ministry to parents who have lost children at our church it is called Hugs. More beauty from ashes…………
Knew you would like to hear that!!
I loved reading about you meeting your blog friend, I'm headed over there to check out her pictures! The cupcake sounds fantastic! Thank you for your kind comments, you are such a blessing and I love it when you stop by, you make me smile!!