“That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:” I Peter 1:7 I claimed this verse during the very early months of my…
Tag: Lessons
The Rest of the Story
I first think I owe all my friends somewhat of an apology…..as I was trying to decide which stories to share from our trip, my brain divided them into the good, the bad, the ugly – our trip was great but certainly got off to a rough start (ALL me)…
A Story, A Lesson and A Praise!
Hello my fun blogging friends. I have been without a computer since my last post – last Wednesday – and have missed not only adding my own two cents but also not being able to read your thoughts. So nice to spend the quiet of Sunday afternoon (always a nap…
Don’t Worry – Be Happy (Part 2)
On Monday, I shared how memorizing scripture is helping me deal with worry in my life. Admittedly, this is slow for me – somewhere between middle age, chemo and grief, my brain (and especially my memory) some days barely functions! But I’m pluggin away at it and, I suppose, that…
Don’t Worry – Be Happy (Part 1)
Last week during my devotion time, I was studying the topic of worry – not only what causes me to worry but, more importantly, what I can do in order to turn those cares over to the Lord. Then at church yesterday, our pastor’s message was about – you guessed…
Notes from Bible Study
Over the past couple weeks in Bible study, we have been studying the feasts. And as much as I love a good feast (just kidding), I must admit I was not really excited about this topic. I’m not exactly sure why – maybe it was too much of a history…
The idea of temptation – and resisting it – has come to me several times during my Bible study this past week and whenever this happens, I know I should pay close again. When you think of temptation, very often two thoughts come to mind….sins of immorality/sins of the flesh…
A New Point of View
This weekend we finished up our annual missions’ conference at church. What a great week we had! For me, it really was a time to readjust my perspective…to look outside my own box to notice not only a world in need of a Savior but also my own neighbors and…