Name Them One by One
THANKFUL THURSDAY…..and, goodness, it seems like quite a bit since I have posted a Thankful Thursday – not that I haven’t been thankful, mind you:) My heart fills full and…
Trading my ashes for beauty….that He might be glorified. Isaiah 61:3
THANKFUL THURSDAY…..and, goodness, it seems like quite a bit since I have posted a Thankful Thursday – not that I haven’t been thankful, mind you:) My heart fills full and…
A bit of a different type of Thankful Thursday for me but I really had to “say” something and, I suppose, incorporating my thoughts…and opinions…in a thankful post is the…
The next port we visited was my favorite! And I have a lot of pictures to prove it – so I thought I would give you a break from my…
THANKFUL THURSDAY – it seems so long since I posted a “thankful Thursday” and there is so much to publicly give thanks for….but, as it seems lately, I am short…
THANKFUL THURSDAY…thinking about my upcoming anniversary and about beautiful marriages, I always go back to my parents! When my dad passed away, my folks had been married thirty-six years. Like…
THANKFUL THURSDAY – I’ve mentioned Morgan before…what a blessing this boy is to my heart!….and last night we all celebrated Morgan during the children’ class I teach at church on…
THANKFUL THURSDAY……I hope it is a great Thursday for all my blogging friends:) There is no Friday with Friends tomorrow but hopefully I will be back on track next week.…
THANKFUL THURSDAY – and I think everyone! knows what I am thankful for today:) So much so, I don’t think I’ll even blog about it anymore…at least, not this week!…
Please don’t forget about tomorrow’s Friday with Friends….are you a “beach person” or a “mountain person” – why? what do you love? I know it is hard to pick one…
THANKFUL THURSDAY – and before I begin…with my very random thankful thoughts for today….just wondering if anyone has any clue why a random living room scene pops up when first…
THANKFUL THURSDAY….oh my heart is happy – and grateful! My airman (aka my sweet oldest son, Jordan) is coming home!! Ever since we learned of his deployment several months agao,…
THANKFUL THURSDAY….and I set out my few patriotic things the other day. I was telling a blogging buddy (sorry for the repeat, Deb) that holiday decorating has certainly scaled back…