Born. Ever since reading today’s prompt – born – one of my favorite songs has been on repeat in my head. Born to Die Upon Calvary. I’ve shared this song more than once on my blog but I’m always happy to share it again. (just one verse and chorus but hum along….)
Jesus knew when He came
He would suffer in shame,
He could feel ev’ry pain and sorrow.
Be He left Paradise,
With His blood He paid the price –
My redemption to Jesus I owe.
Born to die upon Calv’ry,
Jesus suffered my sin to forgive;
Born to die upon Calv’ry
He was wounded that I might live.
From the time He left Heaven, Jesus knew why He came. He knew His purpose. Not only did He know His purpose but He spent all of His time here on earth preparing for and fulfilling that purpose. He did not “die upon Calvary” every day. His crucifixion was the culmination of His purpose – the purpose of “doing the will” of His Father. (John 6:38). That was Jesus’ ultimate purpose.
Each of us has a purpose…actually, the same purpose. To glorify God by doing His will. There have been times that I struggled with this – wondering what was my purpose? Especially in this “empty-nest” phase of life. What should I be doing? What should fill my days, etc.? Am I being a good steward of my time, resources and energy? All of these are good questions and I think it is right to bring these questions to God; however, my busyness, my productivity or whether I work a job, stay at home or volunteer – none of these things define my purpose. My purpose is to bring Christ glory.
I’m glad that Christ has a plan for my life. In each phase of life. I’m glad to know that He will continue to use me and direct my days – however many they might be. But whatever a day, a decade, a phase or season might look like, I can seek to glorify my Father in Heaven. “For to me to live is Christ…..” (Philippians 1:21a)
STOP. These are my thoughts on the Five Minute Friday prompt – BORN. You can others’ thoughts here. And my five minutes are up, but I would be remiss if I did not mention another (more important) thought about “born” – the gift of being born again. It is our greatest need and God’s greatest gift to us. It is why God sent His son to die. If you are not sure what this means, you can read more on the “Could It Be Any Worse?” tab located at the top of this page. Knowing for certain that we have been born again completes the verse mentioned above. “….and to die is gain.” (Philippians 1:21b)
I have known my purpose here
since I was but a child;
the Good Lord said it very clear,
He made me to run wild.
I leapt from rooftops to the dirt,
climbed cliffs without a rope,
raced motorcycles and got hurt,
and Barb and I eloped.
But I find I really have to say
that all this seems quite tame
compared to that stellar day
when I learned Jesus’ name,
and found in this mysterious Stranger
all elements of love and danger.
All else really does dull in comparison to that day when we found Christ!! Glad you stopped by today, Andrew. Hope you are doing okay.
Jennifer, you and I are in the EN club – but we can still bring Him glory in our everyday lives. Neighbors. At the grocery store. Walking in the park. I always enjoy your posts and hope you return the visit so we can visit even longer!
Totally agree….seeking to glorify Him even in the everyday. Especially in the everyday!:)
“Born to Die” is one of my favorite Ron Hamilton songs. 🙂 I’m so very thankful that Jesus was born to die but didn’t stay dead! I’m right there with you trying to do his will, and the best way I can do that is to obey his word.
That song just might get stuck on repeat:) So glad you stopped by today!!
Inspiring words, a beautiful photograph.
Weekend blessings to you, Jennifer …
Thank you, Linda. Many blessings to you as well.
Your post reminds me of John 21:22 when Jesus breaks the news to His disciples that they don’t all face the same future. It’s a lesson we all could be reminded of. God’s purpose for my life is not the same as His purpose for your life, except (as you said so well) to bring glory to Him.
I think it’s wonderful that each of us has a unique plan for our lives….and, at the same time, we all have the same purpose! God is magnificent!! Glad you stopped by, Amie!!
I was challenged on purpose a few months ago and came up with the same thought process. So grateful that Jesus fulfilled this. This post makes me feel warm and cosy. 😊
I’m glad you enjoyed it, Loretta. Thanks for stopping by – and for your kind comment!!
We each have different seasons in our life…we are nearing retirement. I have struggled with my purpose at this point in my life, but I know I can glorify Him in the small everyday moments. Have a blessed day, Jennifer.
Hi Cindy – I’m glad that I am not the only one who has struggled with purpose at this stage of life. Really seems like I would have it figured out by now:) Glad you stopped by…have a wonderful week!