The weather has gone from artic to spring-like….seemingly, overnight! Last night’s rain not only washed the road salt and reminders of last week’s winter away but also left the air so fresh this morning! It makes you want to grab a bike and let the wind blow through your hair. Well, sorta. Maybe a nice walk will be just the thing! Bike-riding is not exactly in my comfort zone these days.
Then again, perhaps it is time to push out of my comfort zone….just as I discussed in last week’s FMF post. Intentional living is, apparently, quite the buzz word lately. Maybe I was just more attuned to everyone’s thoughts on the subject. Either way, it seems everyone wants to live with intention – including me. And, for me, that means examining the status quo for habits and attitudes that keep me “too comfortable” and making choices and decisions which can stretch me, help me grow and allow me to abound more and more in God’s plan for me.
This not only takes self-examination but asking the Lord’s help as well. Asking Him to reveal things that need to change or that keep me stuck. It might be something simple or could involve a major shift but He will enable me if I sincerely seek His help. That said, here are three ways I believe He is helping me stretch my comfort zone.
Strengthening my prayer life. My devotional time is a habit. It is as much a part of my morning routine as showering or eating oatmeal. I read my Bible. I work on Bible study. I meditate on, and keep plugging away at memorizing, scripture. However, my prayer time is weak. It often feels robotic. And empty. I am so easily mentally distracted!! I want a powerful prayer life. I need a powerful prayer life. I am trying different ways to help with this. I don’t have the exact answer yet but I know God will bless my effort and, so, I will be persistent.
Creating boundaries. If I’m honest, I already know several weak spots – even before I ask in prayer. I know areas in my life, even times in my day, where I am lazy….physically and spiritually. They are not necessarily sinful but if I stay in these spots too long, I quickly lose all motivation to challenge my comfort zone. I even know the friends who will validate my choice for zero change. I have to set boundaries. Limit my time. Monitor my activities (mindless scrolling through the phone, anyone?). This is a challenge but I truly believe God will honor my effort.
Stop overthinking. This will be an “in it for the long haul” challenge. Over-thinking is a part of who I am. I can look at a triangle from fifteen different angles – surely, three sides are enough! I will never be accused of being impulsive – nor do I want to be. However, I am certain I have missed more than just a few opportunities (to be blessed and to be a blessing) where God opened doors but I simply could not stop trying to process every detail of the door. Note to self, the blessing was inside the “open door” and was not the door itself!
I am going to say yes more. Yes to new things. Yes to things outside my comfort zone. Yes even when I feel unqualified or intimidated. I have already said yes to God several times in the last couple weeks – and I see Him working. It’s pretty exciting actually! This Christian walk truly can be defined as “abounding more and more” and my comfort zone is not where I want to settle.
Good for you! God is calling and you're being intentional. How encouraging. I need to change some habits/ non habits myself and will ask God about it right now! (:
I applaud you! Thank you for sharing with us what God is teaching you. Food for thought definitely.
What an excellent, encouraging post! I too need to keep outside my comfort zone. It’s interesting to me that now that my hubby has retired, it has opened up more opportunities to serve outside of where I’m most comfortable. So thankful that God’s grace is sufficient and His strength is made perfect in my weakness.