Turning My Heart to Gratitude

“This know also, that in the last day perilous times shall come.”  This is the first verse of II Timothy, chapter three.  I think this sentiment, or ones similar to it, has been expressed (and rehearsed) repeatedly – both in and out of context – more in the last months than at any other time.  The last days.  And the perilous nature of the last days.  Difficult, grievous and even dangerous (especially for those of us who are Christians).  Although none of us know exactly when the Lord will return, it is not hard to argue that these are perilous days.

The next few verses describe men (and their hearts) during these difficult days.  In my words (not quoting here): Lovers of money and lovers of pleasure. Disobedient to parents. Proud, arrogant and boastful.  Unforgiving.  Without natural affection.  Unloving, unholy, and ungrateful.  Wait?  Ungrateful.  Yes, unthankful (and I am quoting there). It is included right alongside all the other ugly and wicked descriptions that I can so quickly find offense in.

These difficult days – both in our country and those in my own personal life – so easily keep me agitated.  Feeling everything from anxious or discouraged to irritated – sometimes irrational – and sad.  And all too quickly I find myself ungrateful.  When I fail to take my thoughts captive and to turn my focus back to Him, I not only miss so many blessings (the ones right in front of me!) but my ingratitude shows itself in grumbling, apathy, and self-pity. It is not pretty.  And it is not pleasing.

All that said in order to say it is time to turn my heart back to gratitude.  And isn’t November the perfect time to do so?  Bring it on, I say.  I’m not much of a journaler, but I’m going to be more purposeful in noting all God’s goodness.  Looking for His gifts and working each day…even in the small things.  Especially in small things!  I am also doing an Instagram Challenge.  Two (new to me) friends on IG invited me to co-host a challenge for the first 25 days of November….leading up to Thanksgiving (for those of us here in the US.)  Each day has a prompt to use not only for a photo…but to spur our thoughts toward thankfulness.  I hope to include some of those thoughts and ideas here on the blog as well.

I would love it if you would join the challenge.  But if you are not on IG or are not wanting to commit to 25 days of posting (that is the true challenge!), I hope you will stop by the blog each week and share some of God’s blessings from your week with me!  A chance to encourage one another.  My IG is on the sidebar and you can find the prompts there.  I look forward to connecting with many of you!

3 thoughts on “Turning My Heart to Gratitude

  1. Jennifer, hi! Over and over again I am hearing God’s call to gratitude through His Word, His writers, the world He’s created.

    We are indeed blest, even in the midst of challenge and trial.

    To speak our thankfulness is joy. And a re-calibration away from all that grabs for our fears.

  2. I just read a post by Leanne at Cresting the Hill about how many of us find ourselves beginning the second act of life right now. I am a bit older than most of my blogging friends and I am resentful of the time Covid has stolen away from us. It was kind of fun at first to be able to stay home and work on art projects, little things around the house. But that fun has faded for me. I want to be able to travel to see my daughter and granddaughter. I want to hold my mama.

    All this to say, I need NEED need this #25DaysofGratitude photo challenge to shift my perspective. Glad to be doing it with you.

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