Two Thoughts on “One” Prompt

Typically, I read the Five Minute Friday prompt just before I go to bed on Thursday.  (It’s posted late…really.) 🙂   I often have a verse, or even a song, that immediately comes to my mind.  But, then I go to sleep.  If the thought is still with me in the morning, I usually go with that idea.  And – that is how FMF works in my brain.  Not that any of that was necessary – just wanted to share that this week I had two thoughts for this week’s prompt (“ONE”) and have decided to try and share both.  In five minutes, of course.

Both thoughts continue with the attitude of Thanksgiving that I have been concentrating on these last weeks – not only in my devotional time but, hopefully, also throughout the week.  I want to thank the Lord for my husband – my friend and partner through life – and, as well, for the “friendship” that Jesus offers.

GO –

“Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”  Genesis 2:24
We have been married for almost 35 years.  For some, that seems like a lifetime.  For others, we are still newlyweds:)  But over those years, we have not only created a home, a family and life together but we have “done life” together.  We have rejoiced and laughed and shared the greatest joys…and we have known the deepest grief.  But we have done it together and I am blessed to have my husband by my side.  An encourager.  The one I lean on.  My better half.
It can be too easy to take these days for granted.  I’ve learned many a lesson from my afternoons volunteering at the Tribute and this is one of them.  There will come a day when one of us will be alone.  I might be me – it really does not matter which one.  But, I want to not only appreciate but savor these days – right now – that we have together.  Sharing life side by side.
But, even as tender as our relationship might be…there is no way that my husband can meet my every need.  Physically, spiritually or even emotionally.  (Nor should I expect it.)  This is so clearly seen, for us, as we miss our son, Tyler.  We grieve differently.  At different levels.  In different ways and at different times.  Most days, we appreciate and acknowledge those differences – truthfully, we do.  But, grief is just more intense – more challenging and more real – during the holidays.  We can have different ideas for handling grief over the holidays.  I can feel misunderstood and even overlooked. (And he could probably say the same.) But my heavenly Father knows my heart.
As His children, we have someone who understands and is able to meet every need.  This week’s prompt brought this song – an old hymn – to my heart and it explains it best:

There’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus,

No, not one! No, not one!
None else could heal all our soul’s diseases,
No, not one! No, not one!

  • Jesus knows all about our struggles,
    He will guide till the day is done;
    There’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus,
    No, not one! No, not one!

I am so grateful that Jesus knows my struggles – all of them – and He guides and directs with me every day.  He hears my prayers and sees my tears and comforts, strengthens and restores my joy.  I praise Him for patiently walking with me.
STOP – What are especially grateful for this week…as we head into Thanksgiving?

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