It is no secret that I love words. (For sure, I enjoy talking….) But, my heart simply enjoys words. The study of words. Languages. Grammar (ah, I am a grammar nerd!) Even etymology – the history of words. And I love writing words. I love writing words.
That said, I so admire songwriters and often wish I had just a bit of that wonderful ability. The ability to not only put words to music but also to express a thought, an idea – my heart! – in just a couple lines of a verse or chorus. Goodness, I struggle to keep my thoughts limited to five minutes worth of paragraph! I often hear a song that says “exactly what I would have said” if I could have expressed myself in lyrics!!
This week’s Five Minute Friday prompt is lack. This song (by Greater Vision), that has lately been on constant repeat in my thoughts as well as on my phone, immediately came to mind. It is called With All the Many Miracles. These are the first two verses – and the chorus.
God gave the bold command
To cross the Jordan and take the land
Not to worry about the giants they would face
But when the spies returned
To tell the others what they had learned
They said, “For us to win, there’s just no way.”
Still two of them trusted God,
Caleb and Joshua
They said, “Children, don’t believe what you have heard.
We know we’re out manned by far,
They’re much bigger than we are.
But let’s not forget just Who it is we serve.”
With all the many miracles
Why don’t you think it’s possible?
With all the many things we’ve seen
Why do you think it’s just a dream?
With all the things He’s done for us
Don’t you think it’s time we trust?
Remember what is possible
With all the many miracles.
GO – why do we lack trust? Why do we find it so hard to trust God? So often, we know His promises and we believe His word but we so often find ourselves wondering, worried, fearful and doubting. Doubting if God is interested….if He cares….if He has forgotten. Wondering if He really is always good. Worried about how He will answer, when He will answer or even if He will answer. But the truth is, yes, we can trust Him. We can stake everything on the assurance of His promises and His character.
But when the trial seems long and the nights seem dark….when trust seems to be already low but still seeping away, what can we do? There are, without a doubt, several answers to that thought (but, alas, only five minutes) but one of the most helpful is to recount God’s past goodness. Purposefully recall past miracles, answers to prayer and specific ways you have seen Him work in your life and in the lives of those closest to you.
Speak them out loud. Perhaps write them down – journal them or simply list them. Prayerfully thank God for them. Be specific. Be purposeful. All of us so quickly forget. This is not a new problem. God knew the children of Israel would too easily forget, and so He had them set up memorials. They are told to do this multiple times throughout the history of the old testament. Stones that would not only remind them of great victories but would cause future generations to ask – and be told – about God’s past faithfulness.
STOP – This is the last verse of the song I mentioned. Just as God was leading by day and by night, was defeating giants, was providing for and always faithful, He is – and will – do the same for us. Don’t let your trust lack! As the songwriter says (so much better than I)…”Remember what is possible….with all the many miracles!”
So here you are my friend,
You face a battle you cannot win
You tell yourself, “There just no need to try”
Consider how good God’s been,
He’s been faithful time and again,
You must believe and here’s the reason why.
With all the many miracles
Why don’t you think it’s possible?
With all the many things we’ve seen
Why do you think it’s just a dream?
With all the things He’s done for us
Don’t you think it’s time we trust?
Remember what is possible
With all the many miracles.
With all the things He’s done for us
Don’t you think it’s time we trust?
Remember what is possible
With all the many miracles.
This is wonderful. So many great truths in here. Thank you!
{visiting from FMF}
Thanks, Abigail! Thanks for stopping by – and for your kind comment!
These are great song lyrics! I love that refrain: “With all the many miracles, why don’t you think it’s possible?” It’s far too easy to look at what we think we lack instead of remembering God’s amazing power.
So true…the truth of the lyrics and it is a really good song! Thanks for stopping by, Lesley!
We were thinking this week in my bible study group about “speaking out” to God! Thanks for the reminder! Xx