Highlight This Memory: January

Happy Monday!  I hope your weekend included an unexpected blessing…or two.  There were quite a few new visitors to my blog over the weekend which is always fun.  I love meeting and connecting with new folks through this internet space.  The rest of the weekend was fairly routine.  We did have a hot chocolate/snowman inspired fun day in Junior Church yesterday.  We had quite a bit of fun.  It was supposed to be a snowman day but (oh so thankfully and very grateful that) we have not had one flake of the white stuff so far this winter.  So, hot chocolate fun it became.  There was still plenty of snowman fun!!  Those kiddos are such a highlight of my week.  But, it is hard to believe that January is drawing to a close.  I am hoping to do something regularly here at the end of each month.

I thought I would pick one photo from the month.  A photo that represents the highlight of the month.  And recap that photo.  I’m hoping, at the end of the year, to have an easy recap of the year’s highlights.  Granted, there may be months where it is hard to pick just one…but, truthfully, my life is rather routine and I feel fairly certain I will be able to choose one highlight per month.  I don’t exactly have a title for this series yet but I will think of something.  Feel free to leave any suggestions…..and on to this month’s highlight.

This month, our son started “officially” dating Victoria.  We met her for the first time earlier this month and have so enjoyed not only getting to know her but also seeing Jordan so happy.  Actually, they both seem so happy and are really enjoying these early days of a new relationship!  And we love that they actually enjoy hanging out with us.  Throughout the month, she has met and spent time with everyone in our little family….and we are all thrilled for Jordan.  For both of them.  Here’s to plenty more fun memories to be made in the months ahead.

Ah, before I go….I didn’t want to leave anyone hanging trying to decide my favorite dessert of all time.  Drum roll…..banana pudding.  Oh yes indeed and yum.  Someone did guess bread pudding which, quite honestly, would probably be a tie.  I love them both.  But, if I had to order just one (and why would you do that??), I do believe I would go with the banana pudding.  Now that begs the question:  do you like your banana pudding with meringue on top or good ole Cool Whip!??  Ah, the decisions.  I hope everyone has a good week.  Mine promises to be challenging – but more about that on Wednesday.  For now, happy Monday!!

24 thoughts on “Highlight This Memory: January

  1. What a beautiful couple! It’s a joy to see your kids happy.
    Can you believe, we don’t eat banana pudding? I am sure I would like it if I tried it though!

    1. Aw, thanks Mari! So nice of you. And, no, I cannot believe it. You don’t eat banana pudding?! I can’t believe that I don’t eat it more often:)

  2. How lovely to know that your son has found someone to make him happy! It sounds like she has already become part of the family.
    Now I’m wondering what banana pudding is! I don’t think I’ve heard of that one before. My husband loves bread pudding but I’m ashamed to say I never make it! We never seem to have enough stale bread to make one (is my excuse 😉 ) I wonder if it is the same in the UK as it is in the US?

    1. Oh, Deb – say it isn’t so! Not acquainted with banana pudding!! How can it be?? It is just as lovely as breading pudding….but with bananas!:) And pudding…and vanilla wafers (which I’m not sure you even have there)! Oh my…..

  3. They are so cute together in that picture. I really enjoy banana pudding too. In fact, I have made Paula Deen’s It’s Not Your Mama’s Banana Pudding for church dinners several times. Yummy! I would prefer Cool Whip.

    1. I have heard of that banana pudding recipe – Paula Deen’s – but I don’t think I have ever had it. I should look that up:) Hope you had a great Monday, Cathy!

  4. Hi Jennifer~ Your son and his girlfriend look very happy, what a blessing for them to have found each other. We got over 7 inches of new snow over the week-end, and this morning, I woke up to -20 degrees. What I would give right now to be somewhere warm! Banana pudding sounds really delightful! I don’t think I have ever had a real, southern banana pudding, but I think I would love it. One day, I’ll have to make one. Blessings to you as you face your challenges this week. Hugs, Barb

    1. Barb – I have no words (absolutely none) for -20 degrees!! I can’t imagine. And, to think, that today was stunningly beautiful here today! Sometimes the world seems rather “small” but then I am reminded just how vast it really is! And, yes, true southern banana pudding is iconic and delicious! So simple but oh so tasty!:) I hope you have had a wonderful day – warm and snug inside!!

  5. Awww, great picture of the cute couple. I’m glad the relationship is a positive to others. I hope it continues to flourish. I’m not a fan of bananas or pudding (I’d eat both if offered but neither are items that I would go out of my way to consume). So banana pudding holds no allure to me. If I were to eat it, I would want whipped cream on top. That is something I eat with relish (figuratively speaking, only, of course). Have a great Monday!

    1. I eat my whipped cream with relish…ah, you always make me smile, my friend! I love your comments and your visits to this little spot of mine! Happy Monday wishes to you!

  6. Well, I was close with the bread pudding! I love banana pudding, but only if it has more vanilla wafers than pudding and only with whipped cream and never meringue. How’s that for being specific?

    Your son and his date make a really cute couple 🙂

    I like your idea about having a highlighted picture each month. Sounds like a catchy idea!

  7. I would never have guessed banana pudding because…. well… yuck! LOL. I hate anything with bananas; just the smell of bananas grosses me out. What a fun idea to pick a photo highlight of each month!

    1. What – don’t like bananas! Oh my. How do enjoy banana splits, banana bread, banana walnut pancakes…..:)

  8. I love this idea! My daughter is 20 and just started dating/boyfriend/girlfriend in December and we have enjoyed getting to know him. He treats her really well and they are both happy. We all like him and he seems to like us, such a fun time (and different, LOL). I have learned over the years I have a lot of food intolerances, before that I would have said my favorite dessert is brownies, now I think gluten free cupcakes or something along those lines…

  9. My husband’s late grandfather used to make banana pudding. Interestingly, I don’t remember ever having it with either of those toppings. He lived in Oklahoma, perhaps the topping of banana pudding like that is a regional thing? If I had a choice though, it’d be meringue every time. Hope you are having a wonderful Tuesday!

    1. I am curious – what kind of topping do they use in Oklahoma?? I’ve only ever heard of those two. Hmmm – Glad that you stopped by today…and took the time to comment. Much appreciated!

  10. Yay for new blog visitors and friends! Jordan and Victoria are both such attractive people, and I am so happy for them both that they found each other. I never take that lightly, when someone finds someone else who might possibly be “their forever person”. Thank you for sharing that with us!

    So, I have a confession, and I hope we can still be friends. I don’t like meringue OR Cool Whip. I always order my dessert without, if it’s one of the listed ingredients. My favorite dessert of all time was a warm bread pudding I had before Christmas, at a new (to me) restaurant I ate at with my writing team friends, the one called Southern Social. It’s the best thing I’ve ever eaten, and that is saying something! I never knew I could love bread pudding so much. It had all the good things- chocolate, caramel, bread, a warm and drizzly white icing to top it off- what’s not to love?!

  11. This is a lovely, creative, joyful idea! What a beautiful album, filled with memories and highlights you’ll end up with. Thanks for sharing this, Jennifer! Bless your weekend.

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