I hope your Valentine’s Day was….well, sweet! I think it is a fun holiday (is it actually a holiday? do schools/businesses have to be closed for it to be an actual holiday? I digress) I like this holiday. No pressure. Just fun. And really cute earrings (and sweaters too) to be found:) I try to avoid the chocolate but, this year, I had fun watching my husband make a hidden hearts cake. It was a practice run for the upcoming men’s bakeoff and, although impressive at first glance, it was a bit of a mess and definitely not a winning entry:) On to Plan B! We, of course, did not waste all that effort and took pieces to several of our friends at church last night.
I thought today would be a good time to look at the small things of February. Just the simple, every day things that are making me smile these days. Just for fun, I’ll do it “little letters style”!
Dear early morning snow flurries – thank you for making your rather surprise appearance very brief. I can enjoy you so much more when you are gone by lunch. Yes, your white flakes are pretty but no need to stick around. That said….
Dear winter – You can move on now. Those unexpected flurries earlier this week were a real reminder of just how quickly you can turn against me. One minute you are mild and even somewhat enjoyable, but you are not to be trusted. I would just rest easier if you just called it a wrap. If you do, I will take back all the ugly things I may or may not have said about you earlier this year.
Dear Fitbit – thanks for all the reminders to “get off my butt and move.” Ok, maybe you didn’t exactly say “get off my butt” but your notifications are definitely keeping me accountable. I’m hitting those 10,000 days every day. Oh, and thanks for the fireworks!
Dear BUNCO friends – thanks for all the fun each month. How can throwing dice and simply counting your rolls turn into so much fun….and so much competition? I appreciate you taking me into the group, teaching me all the skills:) and I look forward to our game nights each month.
Dear Maria – thanks for opening your home for the BUNCO night. It was a lot of fun. I loved all your Valentine decor and fun touches. I especially like my new Valentine mug! I won a prize!! (who would have thunk it!?) Thanks for inviting me to that first BUNCO night and introducing me to all your friends!
Dear Eunice – thanks for a new haircut. Yes, I was a bit unsure about getting my hair cut at all and really had no idea what to expect but you really came through. Thanks for taking your time (you have so much patience) and for creating a cut that I can work with as I wait for my hair to continue to grow. That said….
Dear curls – can you please just relax a little. I know everyone tells me to embrace you and enjoy your springy coils all over my head but….well, I just have not been able to figure you out. Just a teensy bit less springyness would be helpful. Just a little. Just sayin. Oh, and
Dear gray around my temples – I’m not sure that we are going to be friends either.
Dear Valentine-inspired Cheerios – you are a delight! In my opinon, cereal makes a delicious snack or Sunday evening “meal” and flavored Cheerios are some of the best. But you, my delicious friend, are the best of the best! I wish I had grabbed (a lot) more of your boxes when I had the chance!
Dear Holly – thank you for the sourdough starter. What a blessing not to have to make my own. And thanks for the encouragment as I dive into the seemingless end world of sourdough adventures. If the first loaf was any indication, we are in for some delicious goodness. Keep sending your tips my way.
Dear fireplace – I know that February is almost over and, truthfully, we have hardly used you this winter. What is up with that? Please don’t be offended. You truly do make the early mornings extra cozy but, honestly, I just get hot so easily lately. Does this mean I am getting old?? Certainly not. You are still my friend…..even if I’m just having fun decorating your mantle these days:) And last but certainly not least…..
Dear sweet hubbie – thank you for breakfast out this morning. I do love breakfast…and I really enjoy it with you:) Thanks for being my valentine. Thanks for skipping the flowers and the unneeded candy. I’m so glad we can simply celebrate the way we enjoy. And that you share your crusts with me!!
Wait, your Fitbit gives you fireworks? NO FAIR!! My Apple watch just seems to condemn, lol. This was fun to read. I think hubbie´s cake looks really cute. Did it not taste good? We have snow in the forecast for tomorrow. Tis still the season, I know but after January, it seems like it shouldn´t be… especially with the nice and mild weather we´ve been having. Like you, though, if we get it, I will flick the fireplace switch and sit and enjoy a fire.
Such sweet little notes! Those Cheerios look and sound delicious.
I loved all of your little letters, Jennifer. My Valentine took me out to breakfast as well…at my favorite restaurant. It’s owned by Mennonites and we sat at a table for two and the music that was quietly playing in the background were hymns. Such an enjoyable breakfast.
Haven’t seen those Cherrios here! Just heard a report about Cherrios and Quaker Oats having a dangerous pesticide in them…Everything these days are dangerous! smh
Sounds like you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day and your husband’s hearts cake is pretty and special. We had a very quiet day but it couldn’t have been more perfect for us. We had snow a few days ago but it didn’t last long. I loved reading your letter to everything and everyone 🙂 And oh that little teddy bear staring at the fire. Did I tell you I am a teddy bear lover and collector? I haven’t added any to my bear family in a long time, but each one has a memory of a person or a place (many of them were gifts through the years.) Loved this post, thanks so much for the smiles and have a wonderful weekend!
That hidden heart cake looks good to me! What lovely letters you have written, but I think I’m going to have to go straight to google now to find out what BUNCO is!
What a delightful post. I have been hitting those 10000 steps as well.. though it might not happen today.