By Grace…and For Glory

Recently I heard a sermon regarding the question of whether the conviction of sin was necessary for salvation.  It caused me to do extra praying and Bible study afterward (which is a good thing!)  And, while I did not agree with everything that was said, there is no doubt that we live in a society where sin is not only glossed over, renamed, ignored, accepted but often even applauded.  As Christians, we are often guilty of being too familiar and too casual about sin – and certainly of not seeing sin as Christ views sin.

I also have a friend that used to become so offended – to the point of angry – over the hymn of “Only a Sinner Saved by Grace” ….and others like it.  She even argued with her pastor that it was theologically incorrect.  She thought it, somehow, tarnished the work of salvation and all that it means to someone who has accepted Christ.  For the one who has had their sins forgiven.

I do appreciate all that being a Christian entails.  I am redeemed, loved, and a child of God.  And there is no more condemnation – praise the Lord for Romans 8:1!!  However, the truth is all that I am because of Calvary (Christ’s dying because of my sin), all that is mine as a child of God and anything that I might do in this life are all because of His grace and for His glory.

That gospel song (by Gold City) has been on my heart.  For days.  It is the catalyst behind this post – certainly not to criticize a sermon or even my friend.  Simply to praise Him for all He has done and continues to do for me.  Me – just a sinner saved by grace…but with the opportunity to live an abundant life.  All because of Jesus!!

By Your Grace, For Your Glory

Where would I be, Without your love –

What kind of life would I be guilty of?

If not for redeeming hands

That reached so low to raise me up,

And let me stand.


Not by my strength Have I survived,

My reckless steps…And my selfish pride.

Not by my works of righteousness –

I owe it all to you alone.


By your grace, For your glory!

I am here to tell the story.

Of all the doors…You’ve opened for me –

That I might give, I might love, I might live

By your grace, And for your glory!!

4 thoughts on “By Grace…and For Glory

  1. Amen!!! Yes, indeed, we all sin, have sinned, and surely will, but His grace alone, He alone, has saved me from certain death. He will be taking me to Heaven when my time is here. I want to be sinless, but that is impossible for I am human, not Jesus. But I know that my sins were taken to the Cross. My life changed forever at that poignant crossroad. Thank You, Jesus the Christ.

    1. Oh yes – forever changed!! And so humbled, grateful and amazed! Thanks so much for stopping by, Linda!

  2. I’ve not heard of this song before, but what beautiful truths. I’m in agreement with you, Jennifer. I’m so thankful for salvation from myself!

    1. I know everyone has different tastes in music…but if you ever enjoy some southern gospel – you should listen to this one!:) Have a great week, Lisa!

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