I began last month’s “Currently” edition with a big “Hooray!”….and a hooray kind of month it was! Lots of celebrations, time with friends and time with family, plenty of food, and even an overnight getaway (and more food!) I also do not want to forget it was the month of huge answered prayer (something treasured)! April has definitely been a highlight of 2021!! Here’s to another spring month (already a plus) full of His goodness!! So, let’s jump right in with a random look at life “currently.”
Currently, I am:
CONSUMING – no sugar…or, at least, very little to zero sugar. My goal is to eliminate all refined and added sugar but still allow for some natural sweeteners…but, for now, I’ve eliminated most of those as well. Much easier, in my opinion, than gradually cutting back, etc. I found myself compensating with more carbs (I’d rather have a doughy carb than a piece of candy or a brownie any day!) which was not exactly the plan. So, I’ve been trying to watch those as well…which is much more challenging. That said, I am enjoying/consuming plenty of delicious protein shakes (without my banana…sigh) and yogurt with SF chocolate chips and pecans – my two favorites – and am experimenting with plenty of new sugar-free/gluten-free recipes. (Not necessarily gluten-free but it is an easy way to restrict carbs). There are so many great websites for good recipes and inspiration. I like to try a new recipe at least three times a week. Do share if you have a favorite.
EXPLORING – the Skillshare website. Have you heard of it….or have you taken any lessons? There are several lessons that intrigue me but I am intimidated by the whole zoom/distance learning concept. I just have not been able to take the plunge yet; however, as often as I explore the site, I really should! Any suggestions?
GETTING – used to, ready and excited. Used to our new late spring/summer morning routine – which basically is waking up much earlier than we do during the darker months. I love getting up with the sun but it does take a bit of adjusting. However, once we do, I just love mornings all the more!! Ready for our annual missions conference – always a highlight on the church calendar and, extra exciting this year since it was canceled last year. The speaker is a missions director that led two of the trips I have been on…and it will be nice to see him again and be challenged for missions. And, excited to see how my husband’s first attempt at refinishing furniture turns out. #retiredlife This is a hobby we have both looked forward to and he has been working hard. Should be done this week!
HOPING – all of the restrictions – but especially our state’s mask mandate – will be lifted soon!! Last weekend while we were away, the stores, restaurants, and most places we visited did not require a mask….and it was wonderful! So annoyed to come home and remember we have not gotten that far here yet. Enough said.
SEEING – lots of new faces at church! It is exciting…not only to continue welcoming back those who are finally returning but also plenty of visitors. (And, we can actually see their faces – just sayin.) We also had an outdoor service last week which brought out even more members who have not yet come back to in-person services. It was great to see them again. Church is always a highlight for me but this past month has been extra encouraging. The singing, the testimonies, the preaching and Bible studying….but, especially, the fellowship and the real sense of family. I am grateful and blessed.
That’s a wrap and another “Currently” installment. I would love to know what you are currently hoping for. Share in the comments. I answer each one right here. Thanks for reading and following along. You can also go here to read what others are currently up seeing, exploring or consuming:)
It’s so refreshing to have the masks mandates lifted and glad you are able to be encouraged with church. Also, yogurt and sugar free chocolate chips is a daily favorite for me too. I often add sugar free chocolate syrup too. Have a good day!
I’m impressed you’re going sugar-free. Our province is currently under a third lockdown and I definitely turn to sugar more during those times. Ugh. I can’t wait to get back to in-person church but I feel like it’s going to be awhile here yet…
I give you so much credit for going sugar free; that is one of my biggest weaknesses! I too am hoping we can drop our mask mandate soon. I miss seeing other smiling faces.
Wow, I’m impressed – I try to eat healthily in general, but giving up sugar would be very hard with my sweet tooth… Enjoying more daylight here as well!
I have been intrigued by Skillshare too! I was thinking of trying one over summer. 🙂
And wtg on the no sugar thing! That is impressive!
We haven’t been anywhere that the mask mandate has been lifted completely. Here in El Paso, we don’t have to wear masks outside unless we are in a large gathering. So that is a bit of a reprieve. It was 93* today and wearing a mask around our outdoor mall (too many folks to go without) was pretty hot. Hoping this mask wearing is soon behind us.
Great job on eliminating sugar and working on carbs. We have been out of town and I over indulged but have begun to get back on track again.
Yay for new and familiar faces at church. And answered prayers.