We recently had some of our house repainted. (No, not bright blue…but isn’t that cool??) The largest part of our project was painting our basement – a spot where we spend most of our evenings. Not only was the paint in need of refreshing, but once we took everything off the walls, I also wanted to rethink what went back on the walls…to refresh the style there as well. It needed to better reflect us. Since moving into this home, the main floors, and even the bedrooms have gotten the most of my attention for creating an atmosphere that says “home” for us. Apparently, many of the things that I no longer needed or wanted to use were relegated to the basement. It was neat, and even arranged, but the basement didn’t feel like “home” but more of an attic – or a place for used storage.
And so I began contemplating exactly what is our style. I searched for it on Pinterest. I took notes from my favorite home design shows. I tried to put a catchy name to our style. And I still have not found it – the catchy name or even the exact style. But I have created a space that feels right – that feels good – for us. And I think that is the best design style.
What says “home” to me? Home is a reflection of the 33 years my husband and I have been creating a life together. I want my home to make others comfortable when they visit, and I want a home that is warm and inviting. But, more importantly, this house needs to be a comfort – a haven – to us as we not only retreat here each day but as we share life together under this roof.
Home is where I can wear my comfy clothes. Where we don’t have to talk – just for the sake of talking. And where we have someone to talk to when we need it. Home is full of laughs, dumb jokes, and talking to the dog in “dog talk.” It is the place for making dreams and dreaming big! And for all the 100 ordinary moments in between. Our home is uniquely us and, hopefully, our style reflects just that. What says “home” to you?
I need to get our walls repainted, but oh, the thought of it! And then to have to put everything back on the walls. Sigh. (I'm not much of a decorator! lol) My m-i-l had her house repainted last week, and she has TONS of things on her walls. We went to her house Tuesday night, and she already had everything back on the walls! I was impressed. 🙂 Good for you in making your home reflect who you truly are.