Five Minute Friday: View

Summer is still here – don’t get me wrong – but the oppressive heat has broken and the delightful summer days have returned.  Even outdoor chores have been enjoyable…as well as the front porch lounging:)  This was my view yesterday afternoon.  Maybe not the best picture but you get the idea.  The pink blooms are literally drooping on the tree – it is so full and more blooms open every day!

This week, I have also had my faithful friend and our resident “neighborhood stalker” (as we affectionately call her) with me.  The silly grand dog!  She will literally sit and stare for hours….just waiting for anything to walk by/breeze by/magically appear.  I should have half her patience! The picture here is a screenshot from my phone.  Just fyi:)

It has been several weeks since I participated in Five Minute Friday.  I think I might need to join a bit more often as I feel rather “rusty.”  The idea of writing – largely unedited – for only five minutes and not only making a point but doing so coherently.  It feels challenging…but I’m up for the challenge:)

Just after writing these first few paragraphs, I went to check this week’s prompt.  And it is – view!  Who could have imagined??  I literally should move that top photo down and call it a day!!

But – at the huge risk of completely overdoing it with Alaska photos – l simply want to share a few more shots that my son has taken recently.  These views are soon to be “in the rearview window” for him.  Definitely symbolic of one chapter closing…and, no doubt, a new one opening.  It is exciting….with a certain measure of stress included.

I have noticed in my own new season of life (still considering it such after my milestone birthday a couple of months back), that “chapters” of life seem to be closing more and more frequently.  But new ones open and, if not right away, possibilities seem to quickly present themselves.  And I am finding myself excited by new possibilities.  Sure, I still overthink, overplan, and overanalyze.  But not nearly as much as I have in the past – which is nice.  All that overthinking can quickly take the fun out of anything!

Just as I am excited for Jordan, I am excited for new chapters in my own life.  New adventures.  New doors to open – and new paths to walk down.  I am excited for whatever new views (if you will) might be ahead.  I suppose I should keep my camera ready:)  Tell me – what view might you have seen for the last time?  Are there any new views you are anticipating?  I would love to hear your thoughts.  And I will try not to share (too many) more Alaska hiking photos!!  Thanks for indulging me:)

19 thoughts on “Five Minute Friday: View

  1. I do not think I ever will
    visit town again.
    It’s down a steep and bumpy hill,
    and there’s just too much pain
    involved for me in going there,
    and so I’ll let it pass,
    and watch the clouds on clean blue air,
    and wind that waves the grass.
    Dying slow is not that bad,
    far better than I thought could be,
    and honestly, I am not sad,
    for death’s a kind of victory
    that sends me home to a far land
    where Love will take me by the hand.

  2. What irony in your writing about your view and then the prompt being about views. Alaska sure looks like a wonderful place to visit, hike in, photograph the beauty of and then return to go back home ;). I hope you have a great weekend enjoying whatever view is in front of you!

  3. What a lovely view! We have been enjoying the nice (non-muggy!) summer days we’ve been having this week too with lots of hiking and some new and old favorite views.

  4. Such lovely views you shared! Thoughts to ponder – what new views will I see down the road – what view have I seen for the last time? I will probably never see the traditional 9 – 5 work schedule again since I retired two years ago. I can pretty much make my own hours these days and I love the opportunity for spontaneity! This past year has opened many new chapters in my life and some really wonderful views. I look forward to traveling forward to see where these roads will take me – I just wish time would slow down just a bit!! I can’t believe it is already the middle of August! Humid and hot days are still lurking in my part of the world, but the good news is Fall is right around the corner!

    1. The view definitely changes after we retire, doesn’t it?? How exciting those new views can be! Here’s to enjoying the last of summer to the fullest!

  5. Thank you Jennifer. Every-time I see a view, I know that in one sense I have seen it for the last time. I’m on holiday this week and the views I saw yesterday are already different today, different last night and this morning. The clouds, the light, the sea, the weather and seasons change every view by the minute. I may well never come here again, but I have taken so many photographs and those views I will be able to see over and over and they will hopefully remind the rest of my senses how the sound, smell and feel of the place was too. If you want to see those views #27

  6. Beautiful post, Jennifer. I love your thoughts about your new views in new seasons. Thanks for sharing. Please keep writing!! Kath, your FMF neighbour at #18 this week.

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