Last week as I was reading Deb’s blog, you shared several photos she had taken for a photo scavenger hunt she is enjoying. I always enjoy photos of random, every day things. I think they are some of my favorite. It sounded like fun and something I might want to try. Then I remembered that I cannot take pictures. It is just not a talent I possess. Much like painting my own fingernails or baking with yeast. I know my limitations and, for the most part, live with them quite well. That said, it still sounded fun. I read the prompts and I can think of things that would make interesting photos but that is about the end of my creativity. But, oh well. I decided to take some pictures this weekend. And, just for the fun of it, I have decided to share a few today. Totally random but that’s okay as well. I hope everyone has a wonderful week ahead. Maybe there is something fun planned for your week. Or perhaps just a quiet week at home. Whatever you have planned, enjoy. And Happy Monday!! Now for a few photos…..
family pet –
Our sweet granddog….on gaurd, as we call it, at the back door. She can literally sit in the spot and in this position for hours (or so it seems). She is in her happy spot, doing her happy thing. Saving us from pesky squirrels, random birds and that one annoying skink that totally tortures her!!
And one more of that cute pup. Saving our lives is tough business…and can be exhausting. Look at that cute grey nose!
a colorful front door –
My front door is red. This is not what I had thought to photograph when I considered a colorful front door but I just liked the shadows, the wreath and the pretty pop of red.
favorite reading space –
I don’t read nearly as often as I should but this chair in my office is a favorite when I do. I bought this off of FB Marketplace and it is one of my favorite finds. I love the pattern, the texture and the colors. The blanket is rather random but I usually need it to cover my arms as the ac vent is just above. And the stool looks a bit granny-ish but that’s okay. This chair does not recline so I put my feet up there. One of the plants I inherited from my brother has found a home in my office as well:)
your nation’s flag –
This is one of the photos that would be much better taken my someone who knows what they are doing; however, there are flags lining the sidewalk in front of all our neighborhood mailboxes. It would be fun to say they were there for all of us to show our Olympic spirit but, truthfully, they have been there since Fourth of July when a local businessman lines the entire neighborhood with flags. Which is still pretty cool!
Something colorful in the garden –
Not exactly my garden. But perhaps she was referring to the yard. Either way, these are the flowers on my front porch. I wanted to photograph them to not only to remember how pretty they were this year but also how well they have thrived despite it being one of the warmest, and driest, summers we have had reccently. So many lessons and pratical applications could be made from these flowers! They certainly make us happy as we come in and out throughout the day.
And this last photo is a plant on the other side of the porch. What you cannot see well in the picture are the long vine type leaves that have wrapped themselves around the porch banister. I think they would like to start climbing the porch columns! I like it and find it interesting (we did not buy this plant expecting or knowing that was going to happen. In fact, we are not even sure what plant this is….) but I also wish it would stop now. Stop twisting, winding and “taking over” the porch. My husband thinks it is such a pretty thing but I don’t plan to buy one again next year. Any ideas what it is???
Thanks for reading/viewing until the end. And, again – Happy Monday friends!
I like your pictures. I love participating in a photo scavenger hunt. I especially like the red front door and the photos of the granddog. They are all good and you should keep taking pictures. I can’t help you with the plants…I don’t hardly know one from another. lol Hope you have a great day!
Your pictures are perfect, my friend. I love your front door! When I was young, my mom painted our front door red. Have a cozy afternoon!
Granddog is a sweetheart isn’t she 🙂
You took some lovely photo for your scavenger hunt this week, Jennifer.
Loved all your photos, such a delightful series with lots to see and each one is a treat. Happy week to you Jennifer!
I think your photos are lovely! I’m struggling with a few of the prompts… but I do have nearly 2 months left to find them so I’m trying not to stress about what should be a fun little scavenger hunt.
Hi there,
If you can send me a link, I’ll add your finds to my original post – thanks for joining in!
Your red door is really pretty as are all of the flowers. Interesting that your summer has been so dry (though I know that is pretty typical). We have had a way rainier one than usual. Your granddog is a nice looking dog. One does wonder what dogs think about… I hope your Tuesday is going well!
We love our granddogs! We have three.
Love all the flowers. I am not sure what your winding vine is. Maybe jasmine?
You asked about the Bible study. It’s Bible Study Fellowship. This year we are studying Revelation. (I am not leading).
Gorgeous vine looks like Mandeville but do check online. I buy the ones that don’t vine.
I think that is exactly what it is – Mandevilla. I had no idea there were vining and non-vining varieties!! I think I will stick with those that don’t vine next time!!:) Glad you stopped by, Dee.
Oh how lovely that you are joining in! You’ve found some great photos!
Hi there,
I was sent your way by Deb of Deb’s World – thanks so much for joining in with the photography scavenger hunt!
You have some lovely finds – I’ve added a link on my original post, if that’s okay.