My NYC Review

WOW! What a fun Saturday I had in the Big Apple! As I admitted, I’m not a true country girl at heart (although there was a time – back in the college days – I seriously wanted to be a dairy farmer’s wife…I begged God to send me a dairy farmer – and, yes, sometimes, we just need to be thankful for unanswered prayers!!) and I don’t know that I could really live full time in the “big city” but visiting is a THRILL! I loved it. And, just in case, you ever make it…I wanted to share my two cents review (for whatever it is worth)!

After arriving – and arriving hungry – our first stop was at Junior’s Diner in Times Square. They stop serving breakfast at 10:35 (yes, specifically at 10:35) so we had brunch…which was good because it counted as two meals so we got our money’s worth. My salad was delicious! Instead of a bread basket while you wait for your meal, this deli brought slaw, beets and dill pickles!! I tried beets for the first time – I really liked them! Junior’s is on West 45th and I would recommend it.

After brunch, we headed to the Christmas Spectacular show at Radio City Music Hall – I really enjoyed this show. The music was good, the special effects were fun and the precision dancing was actually amazing. I’m not sure but I think I was expecting Las Vegas…but it was not. I thought it was pretty cool. The last number they did was actually the Christmas story with a reading from the gospel of Luke and traditional carols – heralding the newborn king! Pretty impressive when students at the local elementary school are not even allowed to sing more than Frosty the Snowman.

In the afternoon, we took a cab (everything you have heard about New York cab rides…and more – WHOA!) to Chinatown and then Little Italy. If I don’t ever make it to Chinatown again, my feelings will not be hurt. Little Italy, however, was a lot of fun. Lots of shopping and fun people…and the aromas of fresh pizza and pasta were wonderful! We had pizza at Lombardis (on Spring Street) and it was fantastic! I would definitely recommend this restaurant.

By the time we made it back to Madison Ave. and the shops uptown, most of the stores were closed. That was okay, though, as I’m sure I could not afford to window shop there. We did go in FAO Schwartz. I personally think the toy soldiers (aka doormen) out front were the best part of that store……all in all, this store was way overrated. Toys R Us was a lot more fun but M&M World would beat them both any day!! We did try to end our day at Serendipity III (located at 225 East 60th) for dessert – walked ten blocks to get there only to find out the wait was an hour and we did not have that much time. It is a TINY little place but the desserts are supposedly amazing and it was very popular but I would recommend reservations for this one!

I did not have my camera but my girlfriend did bring her camera and we snapped quite a few pictures….as soon as she sends me some, I will include my “photo review”…..yea. It was a lot of fun and, as a fundraiser, we raised over $1,600 for the Cancer Society – what’s not to love, right?

5 thoughts on “My NYC Review

  1. WOW! Loved reading your NYC Review! Sounds like you had a lot of fun! I do hope to visit NYC one day. Thanks for sharing a little of your trup with us!

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